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Kedahsyatan Banyak Membaca Istighfar saat Sahur, Waktu Terbaik untuk Mendapatkan Ampunan Allah SWT

The Greatness of Reading Istighfar Many Times during Sahur, the Best Time to Seek Forgiveness from Allah SWT

Dream - As a Muslim, it is a must to always seek forgiveness from Allah SWT. The way to do it is by not missing the opportunity to seek forgiveness from Allah SWT. The phrase of istighfar that says 'Astaghfirullah' is certainly not unfamiliar to Muslims. In fact, in certain situations, such as being surprised, Dream's friends usually spontaneously utter the phrase of istighfar. Well, the phrase of istighfar is also recommended to be read frequently during suhoor time.

Because during sahur, it is the best time and there is a great reward that will be obtained.

The Power of Reciting Istighfar During Sahur, the Best Time to Seek Forgiveness from Allah SWT

This is also explained in the letter of Ali Imran verse 17: "And those who seek forgiveness in the pre-dawn hours." Here is an explanation of the recitation of istighfar and its virtues as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Apa Arti dari Astaghfirullah?

What is the meaning of Astaghfirullah?

The text translates to: "The word Astaghfirullah comes from two words, namely 'astghfiru' and 'Allah'."

The word 'astghfiru' means 'I seek forgiveness'. Meanwhile, the word 'Allah' refers to the Almighty and the Ruler of the Universe. The word 'astghfiru' comes from the word gha-fa-ra which means to cover something. Its meaning is to protect and keep it clean or to protect it from being stained. This word is a form of seeking forgiveness and polishing a part of ourselves that is dirty due to sins. From this feeling of dirtiness, there is also a sense of guilt, regret, and reluctance to accept everything new that is faced.

Well, that feeling is usually considered a negative emotion. However, Islam teaches to transform that emotion into a desire to become better. The way to do it is by seeking forgiveness or istighfar. Whoever utters that phrase, they are repenting and seeking forgiveness from Allah SWT.

Benefits of regularly repenting for Muslims

There are various benefits of istighfar that friends of Dream can obtain if done regularly. Especially if done in this Ramadan during sahur time. Here are some of the benefits:

Benefits of regularly repenting for Muslims

1. Opening the Door of Fortune

The first benefit of istighfar is that it can open the door of sustenance. As explained in the verses 10-12 of Surah Nuh: "So I said to them, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord; indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers. And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers.'" (Quran, Nuh: 10-12)

2. Bring Solutions from Every Sadness

Istighfar can also bring solutions to every sadness that Dream's friends experience. This is explained in a hadith: "Whoever frequently seeks forgiveness; Allah will provide a way out for every sadness, ease for every difficulty, and sustenance from unexpected sources." (HR. Ahmad from Ibn Abbas and its chain of narrators is considered authentic by al-Hakim and Ahmad Syakir)

3. Forgiven His Sins

Allah, the Most Great, has said: 'O son of Adam, I will forgive you as long as you pray to Me and hope for My forgiveness, no matter what sins you have committed. O son of Adam, I do not care if your sins reach the heavens, as long as you seek my forgiveness, I will forgive you.'

4. Bring Abundance of Blessings

Beristighfar is able to bring abundance of blessings to those who do it. This is explained in Surah Hud verse 3: \

"If you turn away, then indeed I fear that you will be afflicted with the punishment of the Day of Resurrection." (QS. Hud: 3)

The Power of Reciting Istighfar During Sahur, the Best Time to Seek Forgiveness from Allah SWT

"The Power of Seeking Forgiveness during Sahur Time"

Istighfar can be done anytime. However, a very good time is during sahur.

The goodness of seeking forgiveness during this pre-dawn meal is explained in the following verse of the Quran, specifically in Surah Ali Imran verse 17: "(that is) those who are patient, truthful, obedient, who give their wealth (in the way of Allah), and who seek forgiveness in the pre-dawn hours." (Quran, Ali Imran: 17) In addition, it is also explained in the following hadith: "And increase in performing 4 things during that month, 2 of which will make your Lord (Allah) pleased, and the other 2 are things that you need."

Two things that make your Lord (Allah swt) pleased are: saying the shahada (أشهد ألا إله إلا الله), and asking for forgiveness from Him by reciting (أستغفر الله العظيم). As for the two things you need from both of them are: asking Allah to be admitted into paradise and to be kept away from the fire of hell." (HR.Ibnu Khuzaimah: 1780, Sahih Ibnu Khuzaimah, Al-Maktabah Asy-Syamilah, chapter jima'u abwaabi fadhaaili syhrish shiyaami wa shiyaamihii, volume: 7, page 115)

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Praying during Sahur time will be easier to be granted by Allah SWT.

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