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"Prayer of Prophet Zakariya Granted in the Month of Dzulhijjah, Here is the Key"

"The fulfillment of the prayer of Prophet Zakariya in the month of Dzulhijjah is an important event in Islam."

Sure! Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: "Dream - The month of Dzulhijjah is one of the special months in Islam. In this month, Muslims perform the pilgrimage (hajj) and celebrate the festival of Idul Adha. Furthermore, in the month of Dzulhijjah, there are various recommended deeds for Muslims. By performing these deeds, Dream friends have the opportunity to receive an abundance of rewards from Allah SWT. In addition, there are important events that occur in the month of Dzulhijjah. Namely, the event experienced by Prophet Zakariya AS, where his prayer was answered by Allah SWT."

"Approximately, what kind of prayer was offered by Prophet Zakariya (as) that was answered by Allah SWT? Here is the story as summarized by Dream through various sources."

The Prayer of Prophet Zakariya Accepted in the Month of Dzulhijjah, Here is the Key
The Prayer of Prophet Zechariah (AS) to Allah SWT

The Prayer of Prophet Zechariah (AS) to Allah SWT

On the 3rd of Dzulhijjah, at that time the Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) was 90 years old. There are also those who argue that his age at that time was 120 years.

Certainly! Here’s the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "Certainly not a young age anymore. In fact, most people consider that at that age one is already very old. One night, he prayed to Allah SWT with devotion and certainty. Here is his prayer full of sincerity: "O my Lord, grant me a son who will inherit me and inherit part of the family of Ya'qub, who will continue the leadership and guidance to the Children of Israel." "I fear that after my departure, my family members will revert in their faith and beliefs if I leave them without a leader to replace me." "

"O my Lord, my bones have become weak and my head is filled with gray hair, and my wife is a barren woman. However, Your power is limitless, and I pray that You grant me a righteous child and that You are pleased with me." The prayer of Prophet Zakariya (AS) was then granted by Allah SWT. Allah SWT said: "O Zakariya, we bring you good news, you will have a son named Yahya who is righteous and will affirm the books of Allah, a leader who is followed, who restrains himself from lust and the temptations of Satan, and will later become a Prophet.""

"Nabi Zakariya pun berkata:"Ya Allah, bagaimana aku dapat memperoleh keturunan sedang istriku seorang yang mandul dan akupun sudah lanjut usia."Allah SWT berfirman:"Hal demikian itu mudah bagi-Ku. Tidakkah telah Ku-ciptakan kamu, sedangkan waktu itu kam tidak ada sama sekali."" Translation: "Prophet Zakariya said: "O Allah, how can I have offspring when my wife is barren and I am already old?" Allah SWT said: "That is easy for Me. Did I not create you when you were nothing at all?""

The translation of "Jawaban atas Doa Nabi Zakariya" to English is "Answer to the Prayer of Prophet Zakariya."

"Ibnu Katsir explains that Prophet Zakariya is a figure of a devout Prophet. He always relies on Allah SWT for everything."

Jawaban atas Doa Nabi Zakariya

"He never procrastinated in any form of good deeds. So much so that he was praised by Allah SWT. This is explained in Surah Al-Anbiya verse 90: "So We accepted his prayer, and We granted him Yahya, and We made his wife able to conceive. Indeed, they were people who were always eager in (doing) good deeds and they called upon Us in hope and fear. And they were the ones who were truly humble before Us.""

Here is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "Lalu, di dalam surat Ali Imran ayat 39, diceritakan bahwa Allah SWT mengutus malaikat untuk mengunjungi Nabi Zakariya yang sedang sholat di mihrab. Kedatangan malaikat itu membawa kabar gembira bahwa Nabi Zakariya akan dikaruniai seorang putra bernama Yahya. Menurut Buya Hamka, nama Yahya berasal dari bahasa Ibrani, yakni "Yohanes" yang diarabkan. Setelah beberapa lama, lahirlah putra Nabi Zakariya yang bernama Yahya. Putra tersebut telah dijanjikan Allah SWT akan menjadi sosok yang membenarkan kalimat-kalimat Allah SWT." Translation: "Then, in the letter of Ali Imran verse 39, it is narrated that Allah SWT sent an angel to visit Prophet Zakariya who was praying in the mihrab. The arrival of the angel brought the good news that Prophet Zakariya would be granted a son named Yahya. According to Buya Hamka, the name Yahya comes from the Hebrew language, namely "Yohanes" which has been Arabized. After some time, the son of Prophet Zakariya named Yahya was born. This son has been promised by Allah SWT to be the one who confirms the words of Allah SWT."

"It also became a preserved leader and a righteous prophet as explained in Surah Ali Imran verse 39. Yahya AS, who was appointed by Allah SWT as a Prophet and Messenger of Allah SWT, is an answer to the prayers that Prophet Zakariya has been making all this time. Prophet Yahya continued the struggle of his father in spreading the teachings of Allah SWT."

Alasan Dikabulkannya Doa Nabi Zakariya

The Reasons for the Acceptance of the Prayer of Prophet Zakariya.

Here is the translation: "Here are some reasons why the Prayer of Prophet Zakariya was immediately granted by Allah SWT:"

"1. Be Quick to Do Good"

The special trait of Prophet Zakariya is his eagerness to do good deeds. This was not only practiced by Prophet Zakariya himself, but also by his family. This shows that the family of Prophet Zakariya was always quick to engage in good actions, especially those commanded by Allah SWT.

"2. Always Pray to Allah SWT"

The family of Prophet Zakariya always relied on Allah SWT for everything. Whether in times of joy, sorrow, hope, or fear. In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever hopes that Allah will grant him in times of difficulty and sadness, then let him pray a lot in times of happiness." (At-Tirmidhi and Al-Hakim)

"3. Always Submit to Allah SWT"

"Nabi Zakariya is a Prophet who is very submissive to Allah SWT. Automatically, he is always focused when worshiping Allah SWT. As explained in Surah Al-Baqarah verses 45-46: “Seek help (from Allah) with patience and prayer. Indeed, (prayer) is truly burdensome, except for those who are humble, (that is) those who are certain that they will meet their Lord and only to Him they will return."

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