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Deretan Dosa Firli Bahuri yang Kini Mendapat Sanksi Berat dari Dewas KPK

"The Series of Firli Bahuri's Sins that Now Receives Heavy Sanctions from the KPK Supervisory Board"

The Series of Firli Bahuri's Sins that Now Receive Heavy Sanctions from the KPK Supervisory Board

Dream - The suspended chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri, has been sentenced to severe sanctions by the Ethics Council of the Supervisory Board (Dewas) of the KPK for being found guilty of violating the ethical code regarding his meeting with Syahrul Yasin Limpo while he was still serving as the Minister of Agriculture.

Firli was also asked to resign from the position of Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The decision was announced during the session of the Ethics Council of the KPK Supervisory Board. "Declares that Mr. Firli Bahuri has been officially and convincingly proven to have violated the code of ethics, namely by having direct or indirect relations with Syahrul Yasin Limpo, whose case is being handled by the KPK, and not informing other leaders suspected of causing conflicts of interest, as well as not demonstrating exemplary behavior in daily life," said Chairman of the Ethics Council, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, in his verdict on Wednesday, December 27, 2023.

The Series of Firli Bahuri's Sins that Now Receive Heavy Sanctions from the KPK Supervisory Board

Meeting with Syahrul Yasin Limpo is not Firli Bahuri's first controversy. Here is a series of cases that have ensnared Firli Bahuri during his tenure in the anti-Syria institution, as summarized from

"SMS Blast Antikorupsi" translates to "Anti-Corruption SMS Blast" in English.

KPK had invested nearly Rp1 billion in the procurement of SMS masking or SMS blast to spread anti-corruption messages. PT Elpia Internusa Sistematika company became the winner of the tender with an offer of Rp851,554,000. However, this decision received sharp scrutiny as some parties questioned the relevance of the content of the messages delivered through the SMS blast to the anti-corruption program.

"Perfect human beings are not those who never make mistakes, but those who always learn from their mistakes. Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Indonesia."
"Such is the content of the message that is considered to be personal."


Indonesia Memanggil (IM57+) Institute brought this issue to the KPK Supervisory Board, accusing Firli, who was then serving as the Chairman of the KPK, of using state budget without any relation to his duties and responsibilities. Senior Investigator of IM57+ Institute, Rizka Anungnata, suspected that Firli violated the Basic Values of Integrity according to KPK Supervisory Board Regulation Number 02 of 2020. The referenced articles are Article 4 paragraph (1) letter d, paragraph (1) letter o, and paragraph (2) letter i.

"Give the KPK Mars Hymn Award to his wife"

Another controversy arose when Firli Bahuri awarded his wife, Ardina Safitri, who created the anthem-march of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Although reported by the Anti-Corruption Journalist Academy (AJLK) 2020, the KPK Supervisory Board stated that Firli did not violate any ethical codes regarding the award.

The Series of Firli Bahuri's Sins that Now Receive Heavy Sanctions from the KPK Supervisory Board

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, claimed after examining several parties, including Firli. No violations of the code of ethics or behavior were found.

Using Helicopter for Personal Interests

In September 2020, Firli was found guilty of violating the code of ethics by using a luxury helicopter for personal purposes, with rental costs reaching Rp28 million. The KPK Supervisory Board imposed a light sanction in the form of a written reprimand II, which is valid for six months.


Meeting with Case Witnesses and Suspected Corruption

"Not only with SYL, previously Firli's meetings and interactions with other officials also attracted attention. Such as the meeting with BPK Bahrullah Akbar and political party leaders."

The Series of Firli Bahuri's Sins that Now Receive Heavy Sanctions from the KPK Supervisory Board

Some cases, such as Firli's attempt to request an examination report (BAP) related to the bribery case of Tanjungbalai Mayor M Syahrial, triggered allegations of defamation, which Firli denied.

"Firing of Endar Priantoro"

In March 2023, Firli made a controversial decision to dismiss Brigadier General Endar Priantoro, the Director of Investigation. Despite receiving a proposal for an extension of assignment from the Chief of Police, this decision added to the growing list of internal conflicts within the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This dismissal triggered a report from Endar to the KPK Supervisory Board, thus adding a new chapter to the controversial saga within the anti-corruption institution.

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