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Kisah Erni Makmur Berdayakan Perempuan Kalimantan Timur Lewat PKK

The story of Erni Makmur Empowering Women in East Kalimantan through PKK

Hj. Erni invites women to continue to contribute to the progress of Indonesia.

The Story of Erni Makmur Empowering Women in East Kalimantan through PKK

Dream - Chairman of the Family Welfare Development Team (TP PKK) of East Kalimantan Province, Erni Makmur, received an appreciation in the category 'Influential in Female Leadership' at the Influential Women Appreciation event held by and, at Aryaduta Hotel, Jakarta, on Monday, August 28, 2023.

Erni invites women to continue to empower themselves, create, and contribute in society in order to advance Indonesia.

The Story of Erni Makmur Empowering Women in East Kalimantan through PKK

"For Indonesian women, let's continue to contribute, continue to give contributions, whatever their positions, whatever their potentials, whatever they have, keep giving works for Indonesia."

He said after receiving Influential Women Appreciation at Ballroom Hotel Aryaduta, Jakarta.

The Story of Erni Makmur Empowering Women in East Kalimantan through PKK

Erni conveys that her mother is a very influential figure in her dedication to the community.

"The most influential figure is certainly my own mother who taught me how to be a brave woman, then provided all her abilities, that is what we give sincerely and complete until finished,"
"ungkapnya" in English is "he/she expressed."


Tantangan ke Depannya

Challenges Ahead

On the other hand, Erni mentioned that there are significant challenges that will be faced by PKK in Benua Etam in empowering families in East Kalimantan. Furthermore, East Kalimantan has now been designated as the Capital City of the Country by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"East Kalimantan consists of only 10 regencies and cities, and its biggest challenge is that the Women's Empowerment and Family Welfare Movement (TP PKK) must provide guidance to all 10 regencies/cities. Not only by land, but also by water and air."

"terangnya." translates to "brightness."

"“So the vastness is extraordinary and the journey is not easy, and that may be its toughest challenge. Moreover, when East Kalimantan has been designated as the capital of the country, automatically women in Kaltim must contribute, not only as spectators but also must contribute to East Kalimantan,” he said. However, he believes that women in PKK Kaltim have a very important role. Moreover, PKK is an organization that collaborates with OPD in implementing family empowerment programs."

"The role of women, especially in TP PKK, is the empowerment of families. TP PKK certainly collaborates with all OPDs (Regional Device Organizations) that exist in every province and this is already implemented throughout Indonesia. TP PKK must synergize with all existing OPDs for the welfare and empowerment of families,"
tutur Erni.


PKK Mitra Pemerintah

PKK Government Partner

Erni conveys, PKK has a role as a government partner in implementing various programs that target family welfare.

"The PKK empowerment program consists of Pokja I to Pokja IV, almost all OPDs are involved in it. So starting from child care, then reading interest, nutrition, and health. So there are 10 PKK programs within the PKK sub program, all OPDs are involved in it," he explained. "So we are government partners, TP PKK is a government partner but not civil servants, and TP PKK has synergistic cadres, from the central level, province, to the RT level. And that is not possessed by other organizations, except PKK," he added. According to him, PKK can become a strategic cadre for the government because it is able to involve and reach all layers of society through its cadres."

The Story of Erni Makmur Empowering Women in East Kalimantan through PKK

Not only that, the community also feels happy to be involved in the ongoing PKK program until now.

“Seluruh masyarakat dilibatkan dalam PKK, jadi sampai ke tingkat RT, ada dasawisma, mereka merasa terbantu, kemudian Posyandu, kader-kader Posyandu itu sebagian besar adalah ibu-ibu PKK, jadi mereka yang membantu petugas kesehatan di dalam Posyandu, termasuk dinas-dinas kesehatan yang tidak bisa menjangkau sampai di level paling bawah,

"All communities are involved in the Family Welfare Movement (PKK), so it reaches the neighborhood level, there are neighborhood women's groups (dasawisma), they feel helped, then there are Integrated Health Posts (Posyandu), most of the Posyandu cadres are PKK mothers, so they help health workers in Posyandu, including health departments that cannot reach the lowest level."

He said.

Tak Menjauhi Kodrat sebagai Perempuan

"Do Not Defy Nature as a Woman"

Erni conveys, becoming the wife of a regional head automatically entails her taking on the responsibilities as the Chairperson of TP PKK, Chairperson of Dekranasda (National Crafts Council), and Mother of Early Childhood Education (PAUD).

“Ketiga kegiatan tersebut dilakukan oleh satu orang, istri kepala daerah, baik itu kepala daerahnya ataupun wakil kepala daerahnya,”

"Those three activities are carried out by one person, the wife of the regional head, whether it is the regional head or the deputy regional head,"

"Erni's words"

Although it is not easy, a woman, especially a mother, should not distance herself from her role in the family. According to her, spending time with the family amidst her busy schedule is very important and can also be done by utilizing available technology. "Of course, we should not distance ourselves from our role as a woman, so that we don't empower our family and society while neglecting our own family," she explained. "Certainly, everyone has their own way of managing their time well. For me, quality time is important, so when we are at home, we should make use of it for our children. Even if we are outside, we should not lose control over our family. With the existence of technology, it will certainly be easier," she added.

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