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Viral Kakek 53 Tahun Nyamar Jadi Santriwati Bercadar, Nyaris Dinikahi Pegawai Tambang dengan Mahar Rp50 Juta

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Grandfather, 53 Years Old, Goes Viral After Disguising Himself as a Veiled Female Islamic Student, Almost Gets Married to a Mining Employee with a Dowry of Rp50 Million"

Viral Kakek 53 Tahun Nyamar Jadi Santriwati Bercadar, Nyaris Dinikahi Pegawai Tambang dengan Mahar Rp50 Juta

Dream - A 53-year-old man from Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi (Sulsel), was arrested by the police for committing fraud by pretending to be a female Islamic student.

"Deceptive Mining Officer"

The perpetrator targeted an employee of a mining company in the Kalimantan region. Panit Subdit V Cybercrime Ditreskrimsus Polda Sulsel AKP Iqbal Usman said that the perpetrator, identified as S, is a businessman. He operated through the social media platform Facebook and deceived an employee of a mining company in Kalimantan.


"The victim is AW (35), a resident of Makassar who works as a migrant worker in Kalimantan as a mining employee. The perpetrator and evidence have been secured for further investigation process."
kata Iqbal, as quoted from Bapera News, Saturday, October 14, 2023.

There is no specific translation for the text "dream.coid" from Bahasa to English. It appears to be a specific term or phrase that might not have a direct English equivalent.

Viral Kakek 53 Tahun Nyamar Jadi Santriwati Bercadar, Nyaris Dinikahi Pegawai Tambang dengan Mahar Rp50 Juta

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Mode of fraud S is by using a profile picture of a veiled woman with the name Arini Juwita. S, a man disguised as a female religious student, claimed to be a 20-year-old woman ready for marriage. AW then fell for it and had intensive communication with S because he thought the perpetrator was a woman."

"Victims and perpetrators met on social media, then the male perpetrator disguised himself as a female Islamic student, deceived as a Muslim woman, a memorizer of the Quran, and also persuaded the victim to get married."
 He added.


"S asked for a sum of money with the reason being for wedding expenses. AW, without any suspicion, easily gave S Rp50 million."

Viral Kakek 53 Tahun Nyamar Jadi Santriwati Bercadar, Nyaris Dinikahi Pegawai Tambang dengan Mahar Rp50 Juta

"The male perpetrator disguised himself as a female student, but in reality, he is a man. He convinced the victim that he wanted to marry her and eventually asked her for Rp 50 million, claiming that it would be used as a dowry and for other wedding preparations."
"The brightness"


"Since August"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the html tags: "Modus penipuan yang dilakukan S sudah dilakukan sejak Agustus lalu dan baru ketahuan ketika korban datang ke Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan untuk menemui pelaku. Bukannya wanita muslimah bercadar seperti di foto Facebook yang ia temukan, justru seorang pria paruh baya. Korban pun menyadari ia telah tertipu dan membuat laporan kepolisian." The scam mode carried out by S has been ongoing since last August and was only discovered when the victim came to Gowa, South Sulawesi to meet the perpetrator. Instead of a veiled Muslim woman as seen in the Facebook photo she found, it turned out to be a middle-aged man. The victim realized that she had been deceived and filed a police report.


Money for Gambling

The following HTML tags will be preserved in the translation: 1. `` - Underline 2. `` - Emphasis 3. `` - Strong emphasis Translated text: "Uang S is used for daily life as an entrepreneur in Gowa and also for gambling. 'The clear motive of the perpetrator is economic, the perpetrator likes to gamble in South Sulawesi,' he said. Now S has been arrested and charged under Article 45 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law with a maximum penalty of 6 years in prison."

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