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"Want Your Prayers to Be Answered by Allah SWT Immediately? Here is the Correct Reading Order, Apply it in Your Daily Life"

Dream - Praying is a form of communication from a servant to his Lord. It is also a medium to ask for something desired in one's life. As Islam teaches every believer, everything should be relied upon Allah SWT. Because Allah SWT is the Supreme Being who rules over everything on this earth. Therefore, when a Dream friend has a wish, ask directly to Allah SWT through prayer. However, in praying there are etiquettes and a proper sequence so that the prayer will be answered by Allah SWT immediately.

The following is the order of prayer to be immediately granted by Allah SWT as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Want Your Prayers to be Answered by Allah SWT Soon? Here is the Correct Order of Recitation, Apply it in Daily Life

"Order of Praying According to Islamic Teachings"

This is the order of prayers according to Islamic teachings that friends of Dream can apply in everyday life:

1. Starting with Asmaul Husna

The Asmaul Husna are the beautiful names of Allah SWT, which consist of 99 names. It is advisable for Dream's friends to begin their prayers with the Asmaul Husna first. Allah SWT is very pleased when a servant mentions His beautiful names during their prayers. As explained in His word through Surah Al-A'raf verse 180:

"Only Allah possesses the Beautiful Names, so seek His help by mentioning those Beautiful Names and avoid those who deviate from the truth in mentioning His names. They will receive the retribution for what they have done."

2. Please be placed in Heaven and be saved from Hell.

Every human being certainly wants to be placed in heaven when they die and does not want to be in hell. Ask Allah SWT for this in every prayer that friends of Dream offer. For example, by reciting the following prayer: اَللَّهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَسْأَلُكَ الْجَنَّةَ، وَأَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنَ النَّارِ Allaahumma innii as-alukal jannah wa a'uudzu bika minan-naar. Meaning: "O Allah, I ask You for paradise, and I seek refuge in You from the fire."

Want Your Prayers to be Answered by Allah SWT Soon? Here is the Correct Order of Recitation, Apply it in Daily Life

3. Please pray for a beautiful ending when passing away.

Every Muslim certainly wants to die in a state of husnul khatimah and does not want to be in a state of su'ul khatimah. Dying with husnul khatimah means that one is in a state of believing in Allah SWT and their righteous deeds during their worldly life will become a source of light in the hereafter. To seek husnul khatimah, Dream friends can recite the following prayer:

رَبَّنَا أَفْرِغْ عَلَيْنَا صَبْرًا وَتَوَفَّنَا مُسْلِمِينَ Rabbana afrigh 'alayna shabran wa tawaffana muslimin. Translation: "Our Lord! Pour upon us patience and cause us to die as Muslims (in a state of submission to You)."

Want Your Prayers to be Answered by Allah SWT Soon? Here is the Correct Order of Recitation, Apply it in Daily Life

4. Please Forgive the Sins of Both Parents

The next prayer is to ask for the forgiveness of the sins of both parents by Allah SWT. Here is the prayer for both parents who are still alive: اللّمَُّليَّيِّيّمليِيّميَيِّيّهيِيّهيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّميَيِّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّهيِيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّمليِيّميَيِّيّنيَيَّيّىيِيّنيَيَّيّى&#

Meanwhile, the prayer for both deceased parents is as follows: "O Allah, forgive him and have mercy on him and grant him well-being and pardon him and make his place of entry spacious and wash him with water and snow and hail and cleanse him from sins as a white garment is cleansed from dirt. And replace his home with a better home and his family with a better family and his spouse with a better spouse, and admit him to Jannah and protect him from the punishment of the grave and its trials and from the punishment of the Fire."

Translation: "Meaning: "O Allah, forgive and have mercy, free and release both of my parents. And honor their place of residence, widen their entrance, cleanse both of my parents with clear and cool water. And cleanse both of my parents from all sins like a clean white garment from dirt. And replace their place of residence with a better place than what they left, and a better family than what they left behind. Enter both of my parents into paradise, and protect them from the torment of the grave and its trials, and the torment of the Hellfire.""

Want Your Prayers to be Answered by Allah SWT Soon? Here is the Correct Order of Recitation, Apply it in Daily Life

5. Please Be Given a Firm Heart and Faith

Next is to pray for steadfastness of heart and faith. Because this is the most important thing in living this life to remain on the path of Allah SWT. Dream friends can recite the following prayer: يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِكَ Ya muqallibal qulub tsabbit qalbi ala dinika. Meaning: "O You who turns the hearts, keep my heart steadfast upon Your religion."

Then, the Prophet Muhammad continued with the following prayer which is found in Surah Ali Imran verse 8: رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ Translation: "Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower."

6. Reading Desired Prayer

The last prayer sequence is by reciting the prayer that Dream friend desires. Pray to Allah SWT with full devotion and sincerity. Do not forget, pray for blessings in living this life in the world and be given ease and smoothness by Allah SWT.

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