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"Sempat Terbakar Hebat, Bromo Dinobatkan Jadi Taman Tercantik Dunia" translates to "Once Severely Burned, Bromo is Crowned as the Most Beautiful Park in the World" in English.

Dream - Previously damaged by fire, now Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS), East Java, is included in The World's Most Beautiful National Parks 2023 released by Bounce, a travel service platform based in San Francisco, California, United States. TNBTS ranks third below Lençóis Maranhenses National Park in Brazil in second place, and Kruger National Park located in South Africa in first place.

"Alhamdulillah. Besides Kawah Ijen which was designated as a Unesco Global Park in June 2023, East Java also has Bromo, whose beauty is also recognized worldwide. Thank God, Alhamdulillah, for the immeasurable blessings of Allah SWT on this Majapahit Earth."

Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, said, as quoted from the Kominfo East Java website, Thursday, December 7, 2023.

Sempat Terbakar Hebat, Bromo Dinobatkan Jadi Taman Tercantik Dunia

Khofifah conveyed, TNBTS presents a unique landscape, where every corner is so enchanting and capable of captivating anyone who visits.

Apart from Mount Bromo, there are also Mount Batok, Mount Watangan, Mount Widodaren, Mount Kursi, savanna fields, sand sea, and hills that form the Tengger Caldera wall. On the southern side, there is Mount Semeru with its peak called Mahameru.

Sempat Terbakar Hebat, Bromo Dinobatkan Jadi Taman Tercantik Dunia

"Besides the natural beauty, the Bromo area inhabited by the Tengger Tribe also promises a cultural tourism that is equally interesting. There, various unique local cultural wisdoms exist and still maintain ancestral traditions,"
"ungkapnya." translates to "he/she said."


"Calculation Method"

In its calculation method, Bounce assigns weight to the value of the top 100 national parks in the world according to Then, the Bounce research team calculates scores based on the number of uploads on Instagram, the number of views on TikTok, Google searches from October 2022 to September 2023 according to Google Ads, as well as reviews of each national park on Google.

Sempat Terbakar Hebat, Bromo Dinobatkan Jadi Taman Tercantik Dunia

In Bounce's notes, the Bromo Tengger Semeru-related posts have successfully gathered one billion views on TikTok and over 930 thousand posts on Instagram in the past year. Additionally, the reviews are quite good, with a rating of 4.8 stars.

Sempat Terbakar Hebat, Bromo Dinobatkan Jadi Taman Tercantik Dunia
Sempat Terbakar Hebat, Bromo Dinobatkan Jadi Taman Tercantik Dunia

In the Bounce list, Mount Bromo even ranks far above Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in China and Fuji Hakone Izu National Park in Japan.

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