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Blur Skin Texture with 3 Steps of Foundation Application
Blur Skin Texture with 3 Steps of Foundation Application Wearing Makeup. (Source: Shutterstock)

Dream - There are many ways to apply makeup to achieve different results on the face. Dream's friends can choose and try various techniques to get the perfect makeup.

Foundation application technique has the most variations in the beauty world. Foundation can be applied with just fingers or using 3 makeup tools at once.

Wearing Foundation

One of the techniques for applying foundation that can make the face flawless is revealed by Beauty Content Creator @arianirosidi on Instagram. It only requires fingers, brushes, and sponges. Here are the steps.

Step 1

Pour the foundation on the back of the hand or makeup palette, then mix it with fingers to evenly distribute the formula.

Wearing Foundation

Photo: Instagram @arianirosidi

Step 2

Apply foundation all over the face with fingers. Blend it using a brush to reach the crevices of the face and blur textured areas.

Wearing Foundation

Photo: Instagram @arianirosidi

Step 3

Smooth out the foundation with a damp sponge. The result of the foundation base will be neater and glowing.

Wearing Foundation

Photo: Instagram @arianirosidi

Try it at home, Dream's friends.

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A post shared by Aya (@arianirosidi)


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