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Tasya Farasya Dirias dengan Signature Makeup Nagita, Penasaran Hasilnya?

"Tasya Farasya Gets a Makeover with Nagita's Signature Makeup, Curious about the Results?"

Tasya Farasya Gets Makeover with Nagita's Signature Makeup, Curious about the Result?

"Dream - Tasya Farasya often appears with bold makeup. Her complexion always looks flawless with neatly done eye makeup and overdrown lips. Her face always appears sharp after being styled with that makeup look."

"However, the appearance of this mother of two children is still attractive even without wearing makeup. In fact, the face of Tasyi Athasyia's twin sister looks sweeter and flawless. This is also evident when Tasya is styled with natural makeup."

Tasya Farasya Gets Makeover with Nagita's Signature Makeup, Curious about the Result?
Ingin Mirip Nagita Slavina

Wants to look like Nagita Slavina

"He asked to be styled with makeup that became Nagita Slavina's trademark."

Tasya Farasya Gets Makeover with Nagita's Signature Makeup, Curious about the Result?

The makeup looks flawless and matte with a bright warm-toned complexion, pink blush, contour, and highlighter in several areas of the face. Although the contour is defined, the makeup looks natural because it matches the skin tone.

Dirias MUA Marlene Hariman

MUA Marlene Hariman

The flawless makeup is done by Nagita's regular Makeup Artist, Marlene Hariman.

Tasya Farasya Gets Makeover with Nagita's Signature Makeup, Curious about the Result?

Not only facial makeup, but her eye makeup is also equally interesting. Marlene applies fake eyelashes that are not too dense, brown eyeshadow gradation, black eyeliner, natural eyebrows, and bright colored contact lenses.

Tasya Farasya Gets Makeover with Nagita's Signature Makeup, Curious about the Result?

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Pink-colored lip makeup makes her appearance more natural. That's because Tasya often uses lip products in red, brown, or ombre lips with neat gradation."

"Bibir Plumpy" translates to "Plumpy Lips" in English.

Although using natural and soft colors, her lip makeup still stands out due to the application of clear gloss. Her lips appear plumper and bigger with that makeup.

Tasya Farasya Gets Makeover with Nagita's Signature Makeup, Curious about the Result?

Overall, Tasya's appearance still looks classy with natural makeup style. Her mixed Arab face actually stands out more with that makeup. Netizens also praised her appearance with natural makeup. According to netizens, she even resembles Carissa Putri more than Nagita Slavina.

"Swear, she looks so beautiful with her make up," praised @aprillia_0499. "I really like her minimalistic make up lately," commented @andinayuni. "Swear, if her make up is like this, her OLD MONEY aura is radiating so much," said @bellafatiha_. " different, masyaAllah, she looks like Tasya Carisaa Putri Farasya," said @mrsanestation."

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