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7 Tips Menggoreng Tahu Jepang agar Tetap Renyah dan Tidak Hancur<br>

"7 Tips Frying Japanese Tofu to Keep It Crispy and Not Destroyed"

7 Tips to Fry Japanese Tofu to Keep It Crispy and Intact

Dream - Frying Japanese tofu or silken tofu needs to be done carefully because of its very delicate texture. Often, when frying tofu that is very delicate, it becomes crushed and shapeless.

7 Tips to Fry Japanese Tofu to Keep It Crispy and Intact

"Japanese tofu is indeed easily broken when fried, so many people have difficulty in keeping it crispy and intact. Here are some tips to keep Japanese tofu intact and crispy when fried."

1. Choose Fresh Japanese Tofu

Choose fresh Japanese tofu for the best results. Japanese tofu is usually sold in plastic packaging filled with water. Check the expiration date and make sure the tofu does not smell sour. Tofu with a fresh aroma indicates good quality.


2. Soak the Tofu in Warm Water

Before frying, soak the tofu in warm water for a few minutes. Prepare a large container filled with warm water and put the tofu in without opening the packaging. Let it soak completely, then lift and drain. This step helps maintain the shape of the tofu when frying.


3. Remove Tofu from Packaging Carefully

"After soaking, carefully remove the tofu from its packaging to maintain its shape. Cut the packaging in the middle horizontally to make it easier for the tofu to come off without breaking. This way, the tofu can be easily removed and ready to be processed."


4. Cut the Tofu with the Right Size

When cutting tofu, make sure not to cut it too thin. Cut it carefully to avoid it being too thick or too thin. Thin slices will make the tofu easily break when fried. Use a sharp knife to avoid damaging the tofu.


5. Baluri dengan Tepung 5. Baluri with Flour

Coat the tofu evenly with flour before frying. Dream friends can use cornstarch, wheat flour, or a mixture of rice flour and wheat flour. This flour will help create a crispy outer layer. Cornstarch, in particular, helps absorb water in the tofu and makes its surface crispier.


"6. Heat the Oil to the Right Temperature"

Make sure the oil is really hot before putting in the tofu. The ideal temperature for frying tofu is around 170-180 degrees Celsius. If the oil is too cold, the tofu will absorb too much oil and become soggy. Use medium heat to ensure even cooking and prevent the tofu from breaking apart.


7. Fry with Care

Insert the pieces of tofu one by one into the hot oil. Do not put too much tofu at once. Fry until it turns brown and crispy on the outside. Do not flip the tofu too often while frying, just flip it when the bottom layer has turned yellow and dry. Once both sides have turned golden brown, remove and drain. Source:

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