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Recipe Cheesy Beef Slice Baked Rice, Just Cook Using Rice Cooker.

Recipe Cheesy Beef Slice Baked Rice, Just Cook Using Rice Cooker.

Resep Cheesy Beef Slice Baked Rice, Cukup Masak Pakai Rice Cooker

Dream - Often we feel bored with the same rice menu. Like fried rice, yellow rice, or uduk rice.

Resep Cheesy Beef Slice Baked Rice, Cukup Masak Pakai Rice Cooker

There are more interesting variations that you can try when cooking rice, namely grilled rice or baked rice.

Resep Cheesy Beef Slice Baked Rice, Cukup Masak Pakai Rice Cooker

This dish uses rice as the main ingredient and can be easily prepared using the spices that are already available in the kitchen.

Interesting, Sahabat Dream does not need a special oven to cook it because a rice cooker can also be used to cook this baked rice. If you are interested in trying, you can follow the recipe shared by Adele Adeline, a food influencer who likes to share food recipes through her Instagram account @adelscooking.

One of the recipes he shares is beef slice baked rice that can be cooked using only a rice cooker. The cooking method is very simple, so you can try it at home anytime and enjoy different variations in rice dishes.

Curious about how to make it? Come on, follow the simple baked rice recipe from Adel.

Resep Cheesy Beef Slice Baked Rice, Cukup Masak Pakai Rice Cooker


- 1.5 cups of rice - 1/2 package of mixed vegetables - Butter - Mozzarella cheese

"Marinade Ingredients:"

-   Sliced meat -   ½ tablespoon of soy sauce -   ½ tablespoon of sweet soy sauce -   ½ tablespoon of oyster sauce -   ½ tablespoon of sesame oil - 1 tablespoon of mushroom broth

Resep Cheesy Beef Slice Baked Rice, Cukup Masak Pakai Rice Cooker

The first step that Sahabat Dream should do is to wash the rice until clean and add a little water. After the rice is clean, put the rice that will be cooked into the rice cooker.

Resep Cheesy Beef Slice Baked Rice, Cukup Masak Pakai Rice Cooker

"To add more flavor to the dish, add frozen vegetables to the rice cooker or adjust according to personal preference."

Resep Cheesy Beef Slice Baked Rice, Cukup Masak Pakai Rice Cooker

The next step is to marinate the sliced meat using the marinade ingredients according to the measurement and put it into the rice that will be cooked.

Resep Cheesy Beef Slice Baked Rice, Cukup Masak Pakai Rice Cooker

Add a small piece of butter on top of the meat inside the rice cooker. This step aims to prevent the meat from becoming dry during the cooking process.

Resep Cheesy Beef Slice Baked Rice, Cukup Masak Pakai Rice Cooker

After that, wait until the rice and meat are cooked in the rice cooker.

"Finally, when there is 1 minute remaining, open the rice cooker and add mozzarella cheese according to taste on top of the dish. Next, cook for a little while longer, just enough to melt the cheese."

Resep Cheesy Beef Slice Baked Rice, Cukup Masak Pakai Rice Cooker

"When the fragrant aroma is already smelled, you can immediately serve this cheesy beef slice baked rice. Report by Amanda Syavira."

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