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Recipe for Beef Kwetiau Pontianak, Suitable for Cooking at Home

Recipe for Beef Kwetiau Pontianak, Suitable for Cooking at Home

Resep Kwetiau Sapi Pontianak, Gurihnya Bikin Nagih

Dream - Fried kwetiau with savory seasoning, has an always tempting aroma. This dish is made from rice flour and has a chewy and filling texture.

Resep Kwetiau Sapi Pontianak, Gurihnya Bikin Nagih

Kwetiau can be prepared in various ways, ranging from stir-frying to soup, depending on taste and desired dish type.

Resep Kwetiau Sapi Pontianak, Gurihnya Bikin Nagih

Usually, kwetiau is served with various types of additional ingredients such as beef, chicken, shrimp, and vegetables that give this dish a touch of diversity in taste and texture.

The advantage of kwetiau lies in its ease of blending with various spices and sauces to create a dish that is rich in flavor. There is one famous kwetiau menu known for its unique and special taste, namely kwetiau Pontianak.

If you want to eat kwetiau but are too lazy to buy it, don't worry because now you can make it yourself at home. You only need ingredients that are available in the kitchen, and it's also very easy to make.

Resep Kwetiau Sapi Pontianak, Gurihnya Bikin Nagih

Just look at the recipe for kwetiau sapi ala Pontianak shared by Qodri, the owner of Instagram @qodridio. This man who likes to share recipes, shares a very tempting Pontianakan-style kwetiau concoction. Here is the recipe.

Resep Kwetiau Sapi Pontianak, Gurihnya Bikin Nagih

"Materials Needed:"

- 1 pack of kwetiau noodles - 1 tablespoon of broth - 100 grams of beef - 1 egg - Sufficient amount of Sawi (Chinese mustard greens) - 3 tablespoons of soy sauce - 2 tablespoons of garlic oil - 1 teaspoon of sesame oil - 1 teaspoon of fish sauce

"Oil Material Onion"

- 10 cloves of garlic - 1 tablespoon of dried shrimp - Sufficient amount of oil

The translation of the Bahasa text

The translation of the Bahasa text "Langkah Pertama" to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "First Step".

As the first step you need to take is to make onion oil. Mash 10 cloves of garlic with one tablespoon of dried shrimp using a chopper.

Resep Kwetiau Sapi Pontianak, Gurihnya Bikin Nagih

Then heat the cooking oil and pour the finely ground onions into the hot oil. Fry briefly and set aside.

"Second Step"

Iris sawi secukupnya sesuai selera. Setelah sawi diiris, selanjutnya adalah potong daging sapi menjadi bentuk slice. Translation: Slice the mustard greens as desired. After slicing the mustard greens, the next step is to cut the beef into slice shapes.

Langkah Ketiga

"Third Step"

Cook the already cut meat and sliced cabbage using a preheated wok pan. Pour one tablespoon of broth along with the meat, cabbage, and most importantly, the noodles.

Resep Kwetiau Sapi Pontianak, Gurihnya Bikin Nagih

"Also add soy sauce, one egg, two tablespoons of onion oil, one teaspoon of fish sauce, one teaspoon of sesame oil, one tablespoon of broth, and a handful of bean sprouts."

Resep Kwetiau Sapi Pontianak, Gurihnya Bikin Nagih

After that, stir everything until well mixed until the kwetiau changes color to brownish.

Resep Kwetiau Sapi Pontianak, Gurihnya Bikin Nagih

"How? Very easy, right? Feel free to try it at home. Report by Amanda Syavira."

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