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Pedasnya Menggoda, 3 Resep Sambal Udang Kemangi yang Bikin Nagih

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Spiciness Tempting, 3 Shrimp Basil Sambal Recipes that are Addictive"

Dream - Shrimp sambal is known as a spicy and savory dish. It is usually served warm with boiled cassava leaves or other vegetables. If you want to make the aroma fresher, you can make it with a mixture of basil leaves. This menu is very suitable for lunch or dinner. Try making it yourself at home, Dream friends can see some of the recipes below.

Recipe Shrimp Basil Chili

Ingredients: 500 gr shrimp, 1 lime, separate from the juice, 2 bunches of basil leaves, separate the leaves, 4 pieces of kaffir lime leaves, 2 pieces of bay leaves, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, salt as needed, pepper powder as needed, sugar as needed, water as needed, cooking oil as needed.


The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Fine Seasoning Ingredients:10 pieces of bird's eye chili20 pieces of curly red chili5 pieces of red chili6 cloves of shallot3 cloves of garlic2 roasted candlenuts1 cm of ginger1 small box of instant shrimp paste"

How to Make: Clean the shrimp and remove the head, skin, and dirt on its back. Set aside the tail. Coat with lime juice and salt. Then let it sit for 10-15 minutes to remove the fishy smell. After letting it sit, rinse and dry with kitchen tissue. Blend the spices using a blender or chopper.

Panaskan sedikit minyak goreng, tumis bumbu halus dengan daun jeruk dan daun salam hingga matang dan harum. Masukkan udang, lalu aduk bersama bumbu halus hingga tercampur rata. Tambahkan sedikit air, bumbui dengan saus tiram, garam, lada bubuk, kaldu bubuk, dan gula pasir. Aduk merata dan masak sampai air kuah mendidih. Lanjutkan memasaknya hingga kuah menyusut. Kemudian, masukkan kemangi dan aduk sampai kemangi layu. Koreksi rasa, tambahkan bumbu dapur hingga rasanya pas. Matikan api, pindahkan masakan ke atas piring saji. Sajikan selagi hangat.

The Tempting Spiciness, 3 Addictive Shrimp Basil Sambal Recipes

"Recipe for Shrimp Basil Tempeh Sambal"

Ingredients: 1 box of tempeh, diced 250 gr of shrimp, cleaned and separated from the tail 1 bunch of basil, separate the leaves 1 packet of powdered broth Enough cooking oil Enough salt Enough sugar Ground Seasoning: 6 shallots 3 cloves of garlic 5 large red chili peppers 3 candlenuts 10 bird's eye chili peppers 2 small-sized tomatoes


How to Make: Heat the oil, fry the tempeh until cooked and golden brown. Remove and set aside. Blend or chop the spices finely. Heat a little oil, sauté the spices until cooked and fragrant. Add sugar, flavor enhancer, and salt. Taste and adjust the seasoning, add more spices if needed. Add the shrimp, stir and cook until the spices are evenly distributed and cooked. Add the fried tempeh, stir again until well mixed. Add the basil leaves and stir until the basil leaves wilt slightly. Prepare a plate and serve while still warm.

The Tempting Spiciness, 3 Addictive Shrimp Basil Sambal Recipes

Recipe Sambal Pete Shrimp Quail Basil

Ingredients: ¼ kg shrimp, 10 quail eggs, 2 stalks of stink beans, 1 bunch of basil, 7 cloves of shallots, 2 cloves of garlic, ½ pack of shrimp paste ABC, 2 large red chili peppers, 11 large tomatoes, 2 bay leaves, 1 tsp beef Royco, ½ tsp granulated sugar.


How to Make: Boil and cook quail eggs until cooked. Fry quail eggs until half cooked. Set aside. Clean the shrimp, remove the head and dirt on its back. Blend the spices, except for the bay leaves, using a blender or chopper until smooth. Heat a little oil, sauté the blended spices until fragrant and cooked. After the blended spices are cooked and slightly reduced, add sugar and royco. Adjust the taste, add more spices if necessary.

Enter shrimp, eggs, and pete, stir until well blended. Add a little water and boil until reduced. Add basil and stir again. Prepare a serving plate, pour shrimp sambal with quail eggs and basil and serve. is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information on this link https:\/\/\/DreamcoidWAChannel. Source: Diadona.

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