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"Kim Jong Un Builds 50 Thousand Free Houses for North Korean Citizens Without Contributions Like Tapera"

Dream - The polemic of the Home Savings Program (Tapera) contribution program initiated by the government has received strong reactions from the community, especially private workers. Most employees do not want their income to be deducted by 2.5 percent for the contribution.

Does Kim Jong Un Really Build 50 Thousand Free Houses Without Collecting Contributions Like Tapera? There is also speculation that state media stopped using the term © 2024 maverick">
Does Kim Jong Un Really Build 50 Thousand Free Houses Without Collecting Contributions Like Tapera?

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "A program similar to Tapera that provides homes for the community has actually been implemented in several other Asian countries. One of them is by a country that still adheres to communist ideology, North Korea."

Does Kim Jong Un Really Build 50 Thousand Free Houses Without Collecting Contributions Like Tapera?

The difference is that Kim Jong Un's government does not collect fees from the public. North Korea builds housing for its citizens without deducting fees from those who work in the private sector.

According to Korea Times, Kim Jong Un aims to gradually build 50 thousand free houses for residents living in the capital city, Pyongyang, by 2025. Currently, the number of free houses that have been built has reached 10 thousand units.

Does Kim Jong Un Really Build 50 Thousand Free Houses Without Collecting Contributions Like Tapera?

Kim Jong Un himself has performed a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by Kim Jong Un on April 17, 2024 in the Hwasong district, Pyongyang.

Does Kim Jong Un Really Build 50 Thousand Free Houses Without Collecting Contributions Like Tapera?

Quoting, this project is part of the priority of the Workers' Party of North Korea to provide vertical housing or apartments for its citizens and make Pyongyang a famous city in the world. Kim Jong Un emphasized that this development is a state effort to provide decent facilities for its people without burdening them with additional costs.

However, the free housing program in North Korea has received harsh criticism, as reported by In a report titled "The Myth of Free Housing in North Korea," it is mentioned that most of these free housing projects are built by institutions that have political power to obtain building permits from authorities. Fierce competition is experienced by institutions that want to obtain building permits in strategic locations, especially in the center of Pyongyang.

Does Kim Jong Un Really Build 50 Thousand Free Houses Without Collecting Contributions Like Tapera?

Collaboration with private capital is a rational choice for building the free housing project. Institutions that are granted permission to build this will seek private investors to fund the entire project construction. The completed buildings will then be divided between the institutions and the investors who will sell them to make a profit. However, with the large investment that makes the selling price very high, most North Korean citizens are unable to afford them.

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