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Presidential candidate Anies Baswedan will increase civil servant salaries to eradicate corruption.

Presidential candidate Anies Baswedan will increase civil servant salaries to eradicate corruption.

Capres Anies Baswedan Bakal Menaikkan Gaji PNS untuk Berantas Korupsi

Dream - Presidential candidate (Capres) Anies Baswedan plans to increase the salary of Civil Servants (PNS) if elected President in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). The Presidential candidate from the Coalition for Change believes that this program can be an effort to eradicate corruption in Indonesia.

"Many government employees have salaries or monthly wages that are too low to sustain a living, and this needs to be addressed."

ucap Anies quoted from, Wednesday, October 25, 2023.


According to Anies, the eradication of corruption needs to be seriously addressed. This effort can not only be done by strengthening the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) because the institution only handles major cases. "We not only need to strengthen the KPK, which is a good thing, but the KPK only handles major cases," he said. "We need to seriously change our approach in combating corruption," said the former Governor of Jakarta.

According to Anies, there are three factors that cause corruption culture to still exist in Indonesia, namely necessity, greed, and the system. Regarding the necessity factor, Anies mentioned that the phenomenon of corruption often occurs in government bodies/institutions. It is from this background that Anies promised that if elected as President from 2024-2029, he would increase civil servant salaries. He even took this step when he served as the Governor of DKI Jakarta.

"We are trying to do it in Jakarta now, employees of the Jakarta Provincial Government can do the same thing as their counterparts in the private sector so that small corruptions faced by the community can be overcome," 
"ujar Anies Baswedan" in English is "said Anies Baswedan".


Capres Anies Baswedan Bakal Menaikkan Gaji PNS untuk Berantas Korupsi

Apart from employees in the government environment, Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar or Anies-Cak Imin in their vision and mission will also implement a fair minimum wage. This promise is stated in Mission 2 point 3 document regarding economic equality.

"Implementing a fair and regionally appropriate minimum wage without burdening employers," quoted from the vision and mission document. In addition, Anies-Cak Imin also wants to implement various policy combinations to reduce the level of expenditure inequality (Gini index) from 0.388 (2023) to 0.36-0.37 (2029)."

Capres Anies Baswedan Bakal Menaikkan Gaji PNS untuk Berantas Korupsi

Anies-Cak Imin also has a mission to realize an APBN allocation that better reflects efforts to reduce poverty and economic inequality. Then, to create leading cities as centers of growth to reduce inequality between regions, and also to improve infrastructure in underdeveloped areas to enhance community access to participate in productive economic activities.

Capres Anies Baswedan Bakal Menaikkan Gaji PNS untuk Berantas Korupsi

"Strengthening skills through training and mentoring in coastal, island, and inland areas to enhance capacity to participate in productive economic activities. Implementing policy reforms to enable informal workers to access credit from financial institutions."

clearly the document of the vision and mission.

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