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Isu Kesejahteraan TNI Disinggung di Debat Capres, Segini Penghasilan Para Tentara

"The issue of TNI's Welfare Mentioned in Presidential Debate, This is the Income of the Soldiers"

"Dream - The issue of welfare of members of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) was also mentioned in the Third Presidential Debate held by the General Election Commission (KPU) on Sunday, January 7, 2024. The welfare of TNI members is a concern of Presidential Candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan. The former governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, conveyed information about the existence of TNI members who do not have official residences."

"Anies Touches on Minister Having Vast Land"

This condition is compared to the news of one of the ministers in President Joko Widodo's cabinet who owns land up to hundreds of thousands of hectares.

"When more than half of our soldiers do not have official residences. Meanwhile, their minister, Mr. Jokowi, owns 340 (thousand) hectares of land. This needs to be changed,"
According to Anies, in the Third Presidential Debate, Sunday, January 7, 2024.


Attention to the welfare of TNI members is also a concern for Prabowo Subianto. He is committed to improving the welfare of soldiers, police officers, and Civil Servants (ASN) if elected as president in the 2024 elections.

Isu Kesejahteraan TNI Disinggung di Debat Capres, Segini Penghasilan Para Tentara

"I will also significantly improve the welfare and quality of life of the TNI, Polri, and ASN," said Prabowo. So, how much salary do TNI members receive? According to, in 2024 the salary of TNI, Polri, and ASN members will increase by 8 percent."

Referring to Government Regulation Number 16 of 2019 regarding the Salary Regulation of Indonesian National Army Members, salaries are given based on rank (group) and group work period (MKG). In the TNI rank structure, there are several groups and ranks. This division determines the amount of basic salary as well as allowances that will be received by each TNI personnel.

Isu Kesejahteraan TNI Disinggung di Debat Capres, Segini Penghasilan Para Tentara

As an illustration, for the lowest rank in the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), it is Prajurit Dua Kelasi Dua. Prior to the salary increase, members with this rank received a salary ranging from Rp1,643,500 - Rp2,538,100. If there is an 8 percent increase, then in 2024, TNI members with the rank of Prajurit Dua will receive a salary of around Rp1,774,980 - Rp2,741,148, or an increase in salary of Rp131,480 to Rp203,048.

Estimated Salary of TNI If Increased by 8%

1. TNI Salary Rank I (Enlisted Personnel) - Seaman Second Class, Rp1,774,980 - Rp2,741,148 - Seaman First Class, Rp1,830,492 - Rp2,826,900 - Petty Officer Second Class, Rp1,887,732 - Rp2,915,352 - Petty Officer First Class, Rp1,946,808 - Rp3,006,61 - Chief Petty Officer Second Class, Rp2,007,612 - Rp3,100,572 - Chief Petty Officer First Class, Rp2,070,468 - Rp3,197,556

2. TNI Salary Rank II Corporal Sergeant Two, Rp2,271,996 - Rp3,733,668 Sergeant One, Rp2,343,060 - Rp3,850,416 Head Sergeant, Rp2,416,392 - Rp3,970,836 Sergeant Major, Rp2,491,992 - Rp4,095,036 Assistant Second Lieutenant, Rp2,569,860 - Rp4,223,124 Assistant First Lieutenant, Rp2,650,320 - Rp4,355,208

4. Salary of TNI (Indonesian National Armed Forces) Rank IV Middle Officer: - Major (Mayor): Rp3,240,108 - Rp5,324,508 - Lieutenant Colonel (Letnan Kolonel): Rp3,341,412 - Rp5,491,044 - Colonel (Kolonel): Rp3,445,956 - Rp5,662,872

5. High Officer Brigadier General First Admiral First Marshal, Rp3,553,740 - Rp5,839,992 Major General Second Admiral Second Marshal, Rp3,664,872 - Rp6,022,620 Lieutenant General Third Admiral Third Marshal, Rp5,485,644 - Rp6,210,972 General Admiral Marshal, Rp5,657,256 - Rp6,405,264 Note: This salary list does not include allowances received by members based on rank and position.

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