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List of Countries that Pay for Unemployment, Medical Treatment is Also Free

List of Countries that Pay for Unemployment, Medical Treatment is Also Free

List of Countries that Pay Salaries for Unemployment, Even Free Medical Treatment

Dream - Unemployment is a persistent problem in every country. Nevertheless, some countries implement programs to provide salaries to their citizens who lose their jobs.

The goal is to help them overcome economic difficulties when looking for new jobs. Even this country provides it for free, you know. The following are countries that provide monthly salaries to the unemployed:

List of Countries that Pay Salaries for Unemployment, Even Free Medical Treatment


Quoted from, Finland becomes the first European country to implement a salary program for the unemployed. It is noted that this country provides a salary to the unemployed amounting to US$600 thousand or equivalent to Rp8.4 million without conditions.

The Finnish government does this with the hope that its people will be willing to take the initiative to find work. Although this salary is given unconditionally, they randomly select unemployed individuals to obtain jobs.

List of Countries that Pay Salaries for Unemployment, Even Free Medical Treatment

"Arab Saudi" in English is "Saudi Arabia".

Arab Saudi provides a salary to unemployed individuals worth SAR2,000 or equivalent to Rp7.5 million for a full year. This salary is given to individuals aged 18 to 35.

Not only salary, but unemployment in the oil country also receives free medical treatment. The funds used to provide salaries are not sourced from taxation, but from oil revenue to maintain social and economic services for its residents.

List of Countries that Pay Salaries for Unemployment, Even Free Medical Treatment


"Ireland also provides unconditional salaries for the unemployed. The salaries given range from Rp3 million to Rp12 million. If they have children and a family, the government will also add an allowance of Rp2 million."


"Selandia Baru" translates to "New Zealand" in English.

New Zealand provides wages for people who are looking for work or will undergo job training. This wage is one of the benefits managed by Work and Income, a service of the Ministry of Social Development in New Zealand. Unlike other countries, New Zealand sets several requirements to receive this wage, including beneficiaries must meet the requirements and obligations specified in sections 88A to 132D of the Social Security Act 1964.

The provisions include things such as age, place of residence status, and availability for work. The amount paid also depends on the economic situation with the following details: 1.) Individuals aged 20-24 without children are given an allowance worth NZD175.10 thousand or equivalent to Rp2.4 million. 2.) Individuals aged 25 years or older are given an allowance worth NZD210.13 or Rp2.9 million. 3.) Single parents are given an allowance worth NZD325.98 or Rp4.6 million. 4.) Married couples or civil servants, with or without children, are given respective allowances worth NZD167.83 or Rp2.3 million.

"Is there in Indonesia?"

Apparently, in Indonesia there is also a similar program called Jaminan Kehilangan Pekerjaan (JKP), which is an allowance for unemployed victims of Termination of Employment (PHK). So, unemployed individuals who are not victims of PHK do not receive this allowance.


Besides that, this allowance can be obtained if the beneficiary meets the requirements, namely actively contributing 0.46 percent of the salary received during employment to the JKP and participating in the BPJS employment program. This allowance is given for a period of 6 months, where for the first 3 months, the recipient will be given an allowance worth Rp2.25 million per month and for the next 3 months, Rp1.25 million per month.

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