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"Facts: Two Unisba Students Organize Illegal Gambling, Over 100 People Become Victims"

Dream - Two students from the Islamic University of Bandung (Unisba) are suspected of committing fraud with the modus operandi of a lottery auction. The two perpetrators are reported to have deceived up to 120 people with losses reaching billions of rupiah. Many people believed in participating in this fake lottery because they were promised to receive additional money from interest in a short period of time. Here are the facts about Unisba students creating a fake lottery that victimized over 100 people.

"Revealed from Social Media"

This case was first written by netizens on social media X. It tells how this auction is run by JZF (20) together with his girlfriend, MAF (20). From the summary of the gathered information, there are 120 people participating in this savings group. The amount of money circulating reaches approximately Rp1.9 billion.

Tawarkan Bunga dalam Waktu Singkat

"Offer Flowers in a Short Time"

The suspected perpetrators are said to offer a savings service to close individuals such as college friends. After being informed about the savings system, their friends deposit money with various amounts.

"In a short period of time, the money will be returned with an additional amount from interest. For example, deposit Rp 1 million, will be returned Rp 1.2 million."

Facts about Two Unisba Students Who Organized Illegal Lottery, Over 100 People Victimized
Promosi Lewat Media Sosial

"Promotion Through Social Media"

One of the victims, RMI (20), recounted that he believed in this offer because he personally knew the mastermind of the fake savings scheme, JZF, who also owns a fashion business.

"I believe because I know the person. The gathering is promoted through their personal social media. They mentioned that the gathering they created will not deceive because they have had their own independent business all this time. So, they will not disappear with the gathering money."

The text you provided is already in English.


"Mahasiswa FEB Unisba" translates to "FEB Unisba students" in English.

The following translation is in English while preserving the HTML tags: "Rector of Unisba, Edi Setiadi confirms that JZF and MAF are active students in the management study program. However, since the fraud case was revealed and went viral, JZF has never been seen on campus again. 'Recorded as a student of FEB Unisba, but since this case unfolded, the person in question seems to no longer attend classes but is still considered an active student,' said Edi."


"Married Couple"

The Rector revealed that the two perpetrators are a married couple. JZF is already married to MAF, who is rarely seen on campus anymore. "As a married couple, they are still active as students, whether they attend classes or not, we don't know, but reportedly they are no longer attending," said the Rector.

Pihak Kampus Upayakan Mediasi

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Campus Party Seeks Mediation"

In response to the problem of the illegal savings group, the campus authorities have made efforts to mediate. According to the investigation, some of the deposit money has been returned.

"According to our investigation, the value does not reach billions because some of it may have already been given to the participants."
"ungkap Rektor" translates to "expressed the Rector" in English.


"Threatened Punishment"

He assessed that the viral case could be classified as civil. Because there has been an agreement from the perpetrator to return the victim's money. However, if the legal process is criminal, then the campus has prepared several witnesses to be imposed on the perpetrator.

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