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Gaji CEO Starbucks yang Sahamnya Sempat Rontok di Tengah Perang Israel Vs Palestina

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "CEO Starbucks Salary, Whose Shares Previously Dropped Amid Israel Vs Palestine Conflict"

CEO Starbucks Salary Whose Shares Were Down Amid Israel Vs Palestine War

Dream - Starbucks has become one of the brands that receives attention from the public amidst the Israel-Hamas war in Palestine. They are one of the brands accused of supporting Israel. Starbucks even sued Starbucks Workers United, who support Palestine. However, they sued them on grounds of trademark infringement.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The stocks of Starbucks company were also affected by the boycott campaign trend, although not as much as other companies. According to Siasat Daily, Starbucks stocks dropped to US$91.4 per share on October 12, which is the lowest price since the boycott call began. It then rose to US$94 per share on October 19."

CEO Starbucks Salary Whose Shares Were Down Amid Israel Vs Palestine War
CEO Starbucks Salary Whose Shares Were Down Amid Israel Vs Palestine War

Starbucks is the largest coffee shop company in the world, headquartered in Seattle, Washington, United States.

According to, there are a total of 20,336 Starbucks stores in 61 countries, including 13,123 in the United States, 1,299 in Canada, 977 in Japan, 793 in the United Kingdom, 732 in China, 473 in South Korea, 363 in Mexico, 282 in Taiwan, 204 in the Philippines, 164 in Thailand, and 500 in Indonesia.

CEO Starbucks Salary Whose Shares Were Down Amid Israel Vs Palestine War
CEO Starbucks Salary Whose Shares Were Down Amid Israel Vs Palestine War

Starbucks is currently led by new CEO Laxman Narashiman, who has been serving since October 1, 2022. Laxman replaces Howard Schultz.

CEO Starbucks Salary Whose Shares Were Down Amid Israel Vs Palestine War

According to Business Insider, based on the submission of the Securities and Exchange Commission starting from September, Laxman will receive a basic salary of US$1.3 million or approximately Rp20.26 billion per year.

Not just salary, Laxman also receives an annual cash incentive opportunity with a target of 200 percent of his basic salary, or US$2.6 million or Rp40.5 billion, and a maximum payment of 400 percent of his basic salary, or US$5.2 million or Rp81 billion.

CEO Starbucks Salary Whose Shares Were Down Amid Israel Vs Palestine War
CEO Starbucks Salary Whose Shares Were Down Amid Israel Vs Palestine War

Laxman is also entitled to receive an annual equity award with a target value of US$13.6 million or Rp212 billion.

"Not enough yet, Laxman will receive a cash signing bonus of US$1.6 million or Rp24.9 billion, as well as equity replacement grants with a target value of US$9.25 million or Rp144 billion. The equity grants consist of performance-based and time-based restricted stock units. In total, Laxman's compensation package could reach more than US$28 million or Rp43 trillion."

CEO Starbucks Salary Whose Shares Were Down Amid Israel Vs Palestine War
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