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Kemenag: Produk Non Halal Wajib Cantumkan Keterangan Tidak Halal

Kemenag: Non-Halal Products Must Include a Non-Halal Statement

"Dream - The Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs will enforce the requirement of halal certificates starting from October 18, 2024."

Ministry of Religious Affairs: Non-Halal Products Must Indicate Non-Halal Information
Ministry of Religious Affairs: Non-Halal Products Must Indicate Non-Halal Information halal logo © 2024 maverick">

Products that come from non-halal or non-halal ingredients will be exempt from the obligation of halal certification.

BPJPH also affirms that products derived from non-halal ingredients must be labeled as non-halal.

Ministry of Religious Affairs: Non-Halal Products Must Indicate Non-Halal Information

"Principally, JPH regulation aims to provide protection and convenience for the community that halal products are clear and non-halal products are also clear,"

Head of BPJPH Muhammad Aqil Irham said, as quoted from, Tuesday, March 26, 2024.


"Non-halal products are exempt from halal certification obligations," he said. For example, alcoholic beverages or food made from pork cannot be registered for halal certification. This means they are exempt from halal certification obligations.

Aqil also explained that those products are exempted from the obligation of halal certification, so they can still be traded even though the implementation of the halal certification obligation has started in October 2024.

Ministry of Religious Affairs: Non-Halal Products Must Indicate Non-Halal Information

With the condition, the product is given a clear explanation or description that the product is made of or contains non-halal ingredients. For example, if the product contains pork, it is labeled by including the word or image of a pig on its packaging.

Ministry of Religious Affairs: Non-Halal Products Must Indicate Non-Halal Information

"Description Not Halal"

This is in accordance with the provisions of Law Number 33 of 2014 Article 92, that business actors who produce products that originate from prohibited materials are required to include a non-halal statement. The non-halal statement can be in the form of pictures, signs, and/or writings that are included on the product packaging, certain parts of the product, and/or specific places on the product.


Next, Article 93 states that products originating from prohibited materials must include a halal disclaimer in the form of images, writings, and/or the name of the material in a different color in the composition of the material, for example, in red color. "Law Number 33 and Government Regulation Number 39 of 2021 also regulate that the inclusion of the halal disclaimer as referred to in Article 92 and Article 93 must be easily visible and readable and not easily erased, removed, and damaged, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation." said Aqil.

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