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Beak is one of the important parts of a bird's body. The shape and size of the beak vary greatly among different bird species, each adapted to their feeding needs and lifestyle. Some birds have exceptionally long beaks, which provide certain advantages in hunting, foraging, or communication. The diversity in the shape and size of these beaks shows how each bird species has adapted to survive and reproduce in different environments. Let's take a look at the following 10 birds with the longest beaks in the world!

1. Burung Kolibri Berparuh Pedang<br>

1. Sword-Billed Hummingbird

The following is a translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The sword-billed hummingbird is the only bird known to have a beak longer than its entire body. Its long beak is used to suck nectar from trumpet-shaped flowers. Interestingly, the beak of the female hummingbird is longer compared to the male's beak."

10 Birds with the Longest Beaks, Ranging from Straight Like a Sword to Curved
2. Pelican Bird

2. Pelican Bird

Like storks, pelicans are water birds with long beaks, but their beaks are equipped with expandable pouches. This beak functions to catch fish and filter unwanted water from the pouch before swallowing their food. Pelicans are found in warmer regions around the world, except for landlocked countries in South America.

3. Fan-tailed Gerygone

3. Fan-tailed Gerygone

"Birds with plump and small bodies are also marsh birds that can be found throughout Europe and Asia. These birds have brown and yellowish feathers and short tails, as well as the longest beak among any coastal birds. Not only that, the tip of their beak is also flexible for searching mud and finding worms or other small animals. These birds also have an advantage because their eyes are located near the top of their heads."

4. Toucan Toco Bird

4. Toucan Toco Bird

The beak of the toco toucan is not only long, but also large. Its orange-colored beak with a black tip makes this bird famous. The beak of the toucan bird appears too heavy to carry around, but it is lightweight, hollow, and serrated. The toucan bird's beak is the largest beak with a body surface area among all birds, although the sword-billed hummingbird's beak surpasses it in body length. The beak of the toucan bird serves to keep it cool and is always useful for catching hard-to-reach fruits or prey.

5. Burung Scythebill Berparuh Merah<br>

5. Red-beaked Scythebill Bird

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Bird with its usual reddish-brown feathers attracts attention because its beak, which is appropriately named, is long, red, and shaped like a sickle. This bird is a type of woodpecker found in the forests of South America. It searches for food by crawling up tree trunks and using its beak to find insects and other small arthropods under the bark."

6. Hud-hud Bird or Meragai Bird

6. Hud-hud Bird or Meragai Bird

The original text is in Indonesian and it translates to: "The native bird of Europe, Africa, and Asia is famous for its spectacular crest and long, sharp, and slender beak. Although its colors are quite natural with shades of cinnamon brown, dark brown, black, and cream, these colors are arranged in an aesthetic pattern. Its body has a zebra stripe pattern, which will appear as black and white stripes on its wings and tail when the bird is flying. Meanwhile, its long beak is used to search for small lizards and insects."

7. Curlew Eurasia

7. Curlew Eurasia

Long-billed Eurasian curlew birds are slightly curved downwards. These birds can be found in grasslands and peat swamps in Africa, Europe, Russia, and southern Asia. Curlew birds use their beaks to search for small crustaceans like worms in mud and sand. Unfortunately, the conservation status of curlew birds is almost threatened.

10 Birds with the Longest Beaks, Ranging from Straight Like a Sword to Curved
8. Pied Avocet Bird

8. Pied Avocet Bird

9. Eurasian Spoonbill

9. Eurasian Spoonbill

Birds with long beaks and legs look like storks, but they actually aren't. Standing at around 35 inches tall and found in northern Africa, southern Europe, and eastern Asia, these birds get their name because their beaks are wide and flat at the end.

10 Birds with the Longest Beaks, Ranging from Straight Like a Sword to Curved
10. Bangau

10. Bangau

The birds have evolved to navigate through water and spear their prey, so herons not only have long beaks but also long legs. The heron's beak is not only long but also strong and sensitive. This allows it to insert its beak into murky water and find its prey.

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