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10 Bahaya Ghibah yang Mengerikan, Dosanya Lebih Berat daripada Zina

"10 Terrible Dangers of Gossip, Its Sin is Heavier than Adultery"

Backbiting is likened to eating the flesh of one's own sibling.

Dream - There are still many Muslims who underestimate the sin of backbiting or gossiping. This activity has become a habit that is difficult to abandon. Some even refer to backbiting as a means of uniting people.

10 Terrible Dangers of Gossip, Its Sin is Heavier than Adultery

"Even though backbiting is very sinful, to the point that this activity is prohibited in Islam. What's worse, backbiting has become an activity that is mostly favored by women. Not only that, backbiting is supported by television programs and mainstream media that often discuss gossip. That's why it is so difficult to avoid backbiting because there is hardly any gathering that is free from the sin of backbiting, except by the will of Allah."

Smell of People who Gossip

Ghibah is likened to eating the flesh of one's own brother. This is why the Prophet Muhammad prohibited his followers from gossiping. It was narrated from Jabir bin 'Abdillah (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said: "When we were with the Prophet Muhammad, suddenly a foul smell was detected. So the Prophet Muhammad said: "Do you know what smell this is? This is the smell of those who gossip about the believers."

"Prohibition of Gossip in the Al-Quran"
"O believers, avoid suspicion, for indeed, some suspicion is sin. And do not spy or backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is accepting of repentance and Merciful."

(Quran Surat Al-Hujurat verse 12)



"Danger of Gossip"

From Abu Bakrah Radhiyallahu 'anhu, it was narrated that he said: The Messenger of Allah Shalallahu 'Alaihi wa sallam once passed by two graves, then he said: "Verily, both of them are being punished. They are being punished not because of major sins, the first one is being punished because of not cleaning themselves properly after using the toilet, while the other one is being punished because of backbiting."

"The Dangers of Gossip that Need to be Known"
1. Damaging Religion

"Ghibah can ruin a person's religion like a worm that consumes the body of a deceased person. Moreover, the Quran has prohibited Muslims from having bad suspicions towards each other (ghibah). Because having bad suspicions will only increase sins."


2. Eaten Away by Liver Disease

Talking about other people's flaws means feeling superior to the person being gossiped about. Gossip can occur due to envy and jealousy, which are diseases of the heart. If continued, gossip can lead to feelings of hatred and resentment, which reduce inner peace. In fact, gossiping causes the mind to always think negatively.

3. Eliminating Rewards

3. Eliminating Rewards

As mentioned, gossip can erase the rewards of our good deeds that we have gained. Not only does gossip erase the rewards of good deeds, but it also invites terrible sins. The sins of the person being gossiped about will transfer to the person who spreads the gossip.

4. Difficult to Develop Self-Quality

People who like to find faults in others often forget about time and themselves. They don't have the opportunity to develop their own qualities because they are too busy gossiping. They have spent a lot of time searching for the mistakes of others and neglecting more important matters.


5. Allah will Reveal His Shame

"If until now other people do not know your flaws, it is because Allah hides your sins. Therefore, do not let us get trapped in the activity of backbiting because it can cause Allah to expose our sins. In a saying, the Prophet Muhammad once said that whoever hides the flaws of their brother, Allah will hide their flaws."

6. Slander Sin is Heavier than Adultery

Ghibah is a collective sin when it is conveyed from mouth to mouth. This is what makes the sin of ghibah so terrible. Because if someone gossips about someone else, and then the friend who is invited to gossip conveys it to someone else again. Then this is called a collective sin. "Ghibah (the sin) is heavier than (the sin of) adultery. It was asked (to the Prophet): How is that possible? The Prophet answered: A man who commits adultery and then repents, then Allah will accept his repentance. Whereas the perpetrator of ghibah, his sin will not be accepted unless he is forgiven by the one who is gossiped about." (H.R. Tabrani).

7. Confined in the Sweat Drenched Mud of Hell's Inhabitants

7. Confined in the Sweat Drenched Mud of Hell's Inhabitants

When someone talks about something untrue about someone, then Allah will confine that person into the mud of the sweat of the inhabitants of hell. Na'udzubillahi mindzalik!


8. Terputusnya Ukhuwah

8. The Disruption of Brotherhood

8. Terputusnya Ukhuwah 8. The Disruption of Brotherhood

Ghibah can also be a cause of broken brotherhood between the person gossiping and the person being gossiped about. This is because the person being gossiped about may become upset and feel hurt by the person talking about something untrue regarding them. This can certainly cause the Islamic brotherhood to be broken.

9. Being Arrogant and Underestimating Others

Talking about the flaws of others means feeling better than the person being talked about. It reveals feelings of arrogance and an attitude of belittling others.

9. Menjadi Sombong dan Meremehkan Orang Lain

10. Causing the Desire for Revenge

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "People who are gossiped about are not all silent and calm. Some get angry, annoyed, and have the desire for revenge. This is why backbiting is strongly prohibited in Islam because it causes disputes among people."

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