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"30 Cool English Satirical Words, Making Others Aware Quickly"

Dream - In the increasingly complex world of communication, words have an incredible power to influence someone's emotions and perceptions. It is not uncommon for sarcastic words to be used as sharp weapons that stab the hearts of those who are unaware. In this article, Dream will review various sarcastic words in English that are not only linguistically cool but also emotionally piercing.

30 Cool English Sarcastic Quotes That Make Others Realize Quickly

"Through a series of sharp and captivating words, we will explore how the power of these words can influence social relationships and open our eyes to their profound impact."

Cool English Satirical Words

Here is a collection of sarcastic words in English along with their translations: "Berikut kumpulan kata-kata sindiran dalam bahasa Inggris yang keren beserta terjemahannya: "If your attitude matched your looks, you'd be a supermodel." (If your attitude matched your looks, you'd be a supermodel.) "I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I'm pretty sure I'm not you." (I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I'm pretty sure I'm not you.)"

"Sorry, I don't speak 'ignorant'." (Maaf, saya tidak berbicara 'bodoh'.) "I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong." (Saya akan setuju denganmu, tapi nanti kita berdua salah.) "I'd explain it to you, but I don't have any crayons." (Saya akan menjelaskannya padamu, tapi saya tidak punya krayon.) "I'm not interested in your drama. Please unsubscribe." (Saya tidak tertarik dengan drama Anda. Mohon berhenti berlangganan.)

"The only thing lower than your standards is my interest in them." (Satu-satunya hal yang lebih rendah dari standarmu adalah minat saya terhadapnya.) "I'd listen to your opinion, but I prefer valuable input." (Saya akan mendengarkan pendapatmu, tapi saya lebih suka masukan yang berharga.) "Mirrors can't talk, lucky for you they can't laugh either." (Cermin tidak bisa bicara, untungnya mereka juga tidak bisa tertawa.) "If you're waiting for me to care, I hope you brought a comfortable chair." (Jika kamu menunggu saya peduli, saya harap kamu membawa kursi yang nyaman.)

Cool English Satirical Words for People who Don't Care

The following are cool English sarcastic words for people who don't care: "Your apathy is as inspiring as a blank canvas." (Ketidakpedulianmu sama menginspirasinya dengan kanvas kosong.) "If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person alive." (Jika kebodohan adalah kebahagiaan, kamu pasti orang paling bahagia di dunia.)


"Congratulations on being an expert in indifference." (Selamat atas keahlianmu dalam ketidakpedulian.)

"Your disinterest is almost as legendary as your mediocrity." (Ketidakminatanmu hampir selegendaris ketidakcakapanmu.)

"If you cared any less, you'd be a rock." (Jika kamu peduli lebih sedikit lagi, kamu akan menjadi batu.)

"You're the epitome of ambivalence, and that's not a compliment." (Kamu adalah perwujudan dari ambivalensi, dan itu bukan pujian.)


"Your indifference speaks volumes about your character." (Ketidakpedulianmu menceritakan banyak hal tentang karaktermu.)"I envy your ability to be completely unaffected by everything." (Saya iri dengan kemampuanmu untuk benar-benar tidak terpengaruh oleh apapun.)"You're like a human version of white noise, always there but never noticed." (Kamu seperti versi manusia dari suara putih, selalu ada tapi tidak pernah diperhatikan.)"

30 Cool English Sarcastic Quotes That Make Others Realize Quickly

"Your indifference is a black hole, sucking the life out of everything around you."(Ketidakpedulianmu adalah lubang hitam, menghisap kehidupan dari segala sesuatu di sekitarmu.)"

"Kata-Kata Sindiran Bahasa Inggris Keren" translates to "Cool English Satirical Words"

"Your ego is not your amigo." (Egomu bukanlah temanmu.)"Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." (Jangan salah mengartikan kebaikanku sebagai kelemahan.)"I'm too busy working on my own grass to notice if yours is greener." (Aku terlalu sibuk merawat rumputku sendiri untuk memperhatikan apakah milikmu lebih hijau.)"


"I'm not anti-social. I'm selectively social." (Aku bukanlah anti-sosial. Aku hanya selektif dalam bersosialisasi.)"Don't be a carbon copy when you were born to be an original." (Jangan menjadi salinan karbon ketika kamu dilahirkan untuk menjadi asli.)"If you were half as clever as you think you are, you'd be twice as smart as you really are." (Jika kamu separuh secerdas yang kamu pikirkan, kamu akan dua kali lebih pintar dari sebenarnya.)

"Some people are like clouds. When they disappear, it's a brighter day." (Beberapa orang itu seperti awan. Ketika mereka menghilang, hari menjadi lebih cerah.)"Excuse me, but I think you dropped your moral compass back there." (Maaf, tapi aku rasa kamu kehilangan kompas moralmu di belakang sana.)"It's not my job to make you feel like less of an idiot." (Tidak ada tugasku untuk membuatmu merasa seperti orang bodoh.)"The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions." (Olahraga satu-satunya yang beberapa orang dapatkan adalah melompat pada kesimpulan.)

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