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4 Reasons that Often Make It Difficult to Sleep Even Though the Body is Very Tired

4 Reasons that Often Make it Difficult to Sleep Even Though the Body is Very Tired

"Dream - Insomnia or sleep disorders are very likely to occur to anyone. At night, when lying on the bed, it feels extremely difficult to fall asleep."

4 Reasons that Often Make it Difficult to Sleep Even Though the Body is Very Tired

Although the body feels very tired after working and being active all day. Upon arriving home and really wanting to fall asleep immediately. What happened instead was that the eyes stayed awake all night.

This condition is certainly very distressing, not only physically but also mentally. "Lack of sleep will cause mental and physical health problems, ranging from worsening concentration levels, easily getting offended, problems with body metabolism, high blood pressure, to stroke," said Lauri Leadley, Head of Valley Sleep Center in Arizona, United States.

4 Reasons that Often Make it Difficult to Sleep Even Though the Body is Very Tired

Sleep disorders or those that already include insomnia have several triggering factors. Starting from lifestyle, to the food factors consumed. There are four that most often cause someone to have difficulty sleeping even though their body is so exhausted. What are they?

1. Accumulated Stress

The most common cause of insomnia is accumulated stress. When stressed, Sahabat Dream's mind is not ready to rest and keeps thinking about the problems being faced.

1. Stres yang Menumpuk

"Effects of stress overflow keep people awake and unable to get a restful night's sleep," said Leadley. To overcome this, Leadley provides tips for clearing the mind before sleep. It is recommended to relax and engage in light activities to eliminate stress. "Avoid stimulating foods or drinks such as candy or caffeine. Reduce stress through prayer, meditation, deep breathing exercises, taking a warm bath, listening to music, or any activity that helps you relax," he said.

2. Too Much Screentime

"All electronic devices emit light and produce sounds that can stimulate the brain to stay awake. Gadgets will disrupt the body's natural sleep rhythm and become a distraction."

2. Terlalu Banyak Screentime

Effectively, it causes the body to receive false signals to wake up. If Dream Friends want to sleep faster and more peacefully, it is advisable to avoid light and noise. Leadley suggests unplugging and disconnecting gadgets to achieve better quality sleep.

3. Room Condition Not Supportive

Poor bedroom environment and unsupportive room also become one of the factors causing insomnia. Bright lights, turned-on TV, or room temperature that is too hot or cold will make it difficult for you to sleep.

Ideally, you need to make the bedroom cool and peaceful. The recommended room temperature is around 16 to 24 degrees Celsius. Install non-transparent curtains, turn off the television, and avoid other disturbances that disrupt your sleep.

4. Excessive Caffeine

Consuming caffeine will increase the likelihood of sleep disturbance. Caffeine can last for several hours in the body.

4. Excessive Caffeine

"Therefore, if Sahabat Dream consumes foods that contain caffeine such as coffee, green tea, soda, or chocolate in the afternoon, they may experience sleep disturbances at night. 'Caffeine can make someone restless, especially if consumed too close to bedtime,' said Dr. May. Report by Salma Rihhadatul Aisy / Source: Real Simple."

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