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Celebrate Harbolnas, Zulhas Impromptu Becomes the Host of Shopee Live with Local SMEs who Successfully Export their Products!

The translation of the given text to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The celebration of Harbolnas or National Shopping Day has started to be felt recently. Moreover, many e-commerce platforms have presented various attractive offers, reaching its peak on December 12. However, the surprises of Harbolnas do not stop there. The excitement is felt during the Shopee Live session because the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, Zulkifli Hasan, becomes the impromptu host of live shopping!"

"Absolutely true, this phenomenon occurred on Monday (11\/12\/2023) during one of the live sessions of local SMEs in the homeland."

Interestingly, Zulhas successfully offers various items such as skirts and pleated dresses, as well as shoes produced by local SMEs that have successfully exported together with Shopee, namely Gosisonline and Mikhayla Shoes.

Lancar Membawakan Sesi Live Shopping

Fluently Delivering Live Shopping Session

"Zulkifli Hasan appeared skillful while hosting the live shopping session for Harbolnas on Shopee Live. He frequently interacts with the Shopee Live audience while showcasing several local products available on display. However, Zulhas seemed surprised when mentioning the prices of the local products."

"Wah ini daster berapa ini? Cuma 80 ribu masih diskon jadi 60 ribu? Wah ini kalau di Prancis harganya 100 Dollar ini, 1,6 juta," ujar Zulkifli. Begitu pula saat Zulhas menawarkan sepatu produksi UMKM lokal asal Bogor, Mikhayla Shoes, dengan harga diskon kepada para penonton. "Wah ini sepatu bagus gini dari harga 55 ribu, cuma di live ini jadi 26 ribuan saja. Ayo buruan diborong, rugi ini kalau nggak dibeli"

"Exciting Chat with Exporting MSMEs"

"Not only hosting live shopping events, on this occasion Zulhas also had a discussion with two local SMEs that have successfully exported on Shopee. He explained that this sector has a strategic role in supporting the country's economic growth."

Celebrate Harbolnas, Zulhas Impromptu Becomes the Host of Shopee Live with Local SMEs who Successfully Export their Products!

"\u201cSMEs support the future of the Indonesian economy, why? Because 64% of businesses in Indonesia come from SMEs. The key is for SMEs to progress, the economy progresses,\u201d explained Zulhas."

He added that local SMEs will be able to develop further through e-commerce. "You can all sell even to foreign countries, everything is complete, right? Like Mr. Ardi here, he was taught how to open a store and use the features in Shopee Campus, so his turnover can increase significantly." In response to the minister's question, the owner of Gosisonline, Achmad Ardi Kurniawan, shared his story when starting an online business.

"Previously, I used to sell but the orders were uncertain. In 2018, I started selling on Shopee, learning about selling at Shopee Campus. Alhamdulillah, after 3 months, I could receive dozens to hundreds of orders in a day. Even during Covid, my orders reached 1000-2000 per day," said Ardi. Similarly, Esa Bella, the owner of Mikhayla Shoes, also experienced rapid business growth after switching to an online system."

"I really feel the convenience of this online selling system. Especially when I entered Shopee, I felt very helped by its features, such as the seller center. Besides that, the twin date promos and the Harbolnas moment, I must not miss them, because at least my turnover can increase 2-3 times."

The translation of the text "kata Esa" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is "word One."

Shopee Terus Dukung UMKM Lokal<br>

"Shopee Continues to Support Local MSMEs"

So far, Shopee has indeed been recorded to have invested a lot in local MSMEs. Not only through outstanding marketing features that boost MSMEs' sales, such as Gosisonline and Mikhayla Shoes, but also by helping them to expand globally.

One form of support from Shopee is through the Shopee Export Program, which opens opportunities for local SMEs to sell their products to Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Latin America. Not only that, a series of initiatives in developing SMEs are also carried out, such as through Shopee Tutoring, Shopee SME Campus, and Simultaneous Export Movement, which are real support in advancing Indonesia's creative economy.

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