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"Do Not Underestimate Back Pain, Do 3 Simple Things to Relieve It"

Don't Underestimate Back Pain, Do 3 Simple Things to Reduce It

Dream - Back pain often occurs in various circles, ranging from office workers to athletes. Poor posture, lack of physical activity, injuries, or certain medical conditions can be the main causes of back pain.

Don't Underestimate Back Pain, Do 3 Simple Things to Reduce It

Want to relieve back pain effectively? With the right habits, you can reduce discomfort and improve your quality of life. Here are some steps that can be taken to relieve back pain and maintain spinal health.

1. Pay Attention to Body Posture

According to Peter Whang, a Spine Surgeon from Yale Medicine, maintaining good body posture is very important. Daily activities such as sitting for long periods at a desk, playing with mobile phones, or sitting in front of a laptop in bed can put pressure on the spine and cause lower back pain.


Tips for Good Posture: When sitting at a desk, align your head and neck with your body, relax your shoulders, and do not cross your legs. Make sure your feet are flat on the floor. When standing, stand upright with your stomach pulled in and the weight of your body on the front of your feet. By maintaining good posture while working or resting, you can reduce pressure on the spine and prevent lower back pain.

2. Don't Sit for Too Long

"Although sitting with the correct posture, do not stay in that position for too long," said Whang quoted from Sitting for too long can put pressure on the spine, causing stiff back and neck muscles, as well as weakening the lower back muscles, all of which can lead to pain."


Tips to Reduce Back Pain: Stand up at least once every hour when sitting for a long time. Take a few minutes to stand, stretch your body, or walk. Change your sitting position from leaning with crossed legs to sitting upright with flat feet on the floor to keep your back muscles flexible.

Don't Underestimate Back Pain, Do 3 Simple Things to Reduce It

3. Exercise Every Morning

"Waking up in the morning with back pain often occurs for some people. It is advisable to stretch your back, legs, and hips in the morning. According to Jared Laxner, Fitness Specialist at the Anschutz Health and Fitness Center, morning stretching can activate the muscles and ligaments around the spine after a stagnant night. Morning exercise can lubricate the joints and improve blood flow to the hips and lower back."

Don't Underestimate Back Pain, Do 3 Simple Things to Reduce It

Start by walking around the house for a few minutes to warm up the muscles that support the spine, such as the hip flexors and buttocks. By following these simple steps, you can overcome back pain and maintain spinal health. Source:

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