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Tips for Managing Finances for Fresh Graduates who are Still Looking for Jobs

"Successfully graduating from college after a long struggle is indeed an achievement worth celebrating. Especially if you can obtain the title of a proud graduate. However, after the graduation gown is taken off, it turns out that other life challenges await. Yes, especially if it's not finding a job! Some people can quickly get a job, but there are also many who have to be patient and search. For fresh graduates in this position, managing finances can be difficult. Especially if they still rely on pocket money from their parents. To avoid running out of money, here are some tips that you can apply!"

1. Buat Rencana Keuangan Sederhana

1. Create a Simple Financial Plan

The first step in managing finances is to create a simple financial plan. Start by recording all income and expenses. If this income is only from parents' allowance, it will be easier to monitor the process.

Record wherever this money flows, for example, daily expenses that are commonly done such as buying snacks, credit, transportation, and so on. By recording expenses, you can see where your money is mostly used and find ways to reduce unnecessary expenses. Try to make a list of priority expenses that are truly important.

2. Mengatur Uang Saku dari Orang Tua

2. Managing Pocket Money from Parents

If you still receive pocket money from your parents, it is important to manage its use wisely. Determine the amount that will be used each week and try not to exceed that limit. This can help you avoid excessive spending and ensure that your pocket money is sufficient until the end of the month.

For example, create expenditure posts such as for transportation, meals, and personal needs. Don't forget to set aside a little for emergency savings. This way, you can be more disciplined and less easily tempted to spend money impulsively.

3. Budgeting for Job Interview Needs

3. Budgeting for Job Interview Needs

The process of job searching often requires additional expenses, such as for transportation, document printing, and buying formal clothing. Therefore, make a specific budget for job interview needs. Find out in advance the estimated costs required and try to stay within that budget.

Apart from that, look for ways to save on interview costs, such as using public transportation or carpooling with a friend who has the same interview schedule. For documents and CVs, try to print them in sufficient quantities at once to save on printing costs. Formal attire doesn't have to be expensive either, you can look for discounts or more affordable options. If you can't afford to buy new ones yet, borrowing from a friend or family can also be an alternative.

4. Hindari Pengeluaran yang Tidak Perlu

4. Avoid Unnecessary Expenses

When you don't have a fixed income yet, it is very important to avoid unnecessary expenses. Try to be wiser in spending money, such as reducing eating out, hanging out at cafes, or buying things that are not too important. Focus your expenses on basic needs and job hunting.

One way to reduce expenses is by bringing packed meals from home when you have to go out all day for interviews or other activities. In addition to being more economical, you can also ensure that the food you bring is healthier and suits your taste.

5. Find Additional Income with Freelancing

5. Find Additional Income with Freelancing

During the waiting period, it doesn't hurt to look for freelance jobs first to add to your pocket money. It can also add to your savings if you need to interview outside the city, as well as fill your free time instead of just staying at home.

Take advantage of the skills you have to apply for freelance jobs, such as copywriting for those who enjoy writing, event photography for those who enjoy photography, or applying for internship programs at startups or companies. This experience can also be a plus for your CV, you know! Even though you are still financially dependent on your parents, managing your finances wisely during this transition period is also a sign of good financial maturity. Despite the challenges, with good planning and discipline, you will surely be able to get through it smoothly. I hope you find a job soon, Dream Friend!

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