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Fakta-fakta Empty Sella Syndrome, Penyakit Langka yang Diidap Ruben Onsu

"Facts about Empty Sella Syndrome, a Rare Disease Suffered by Ruben Onsu"

"Dream - Saturday night, May 19, 2024, Ruben Onsu was rushed to RSUD Majalengka because his condition suddenly worsened. Previously, Sarwendah's husband also mentioned to the public through a television program that he indeed has a disease."

Facts about Empty Sella Syndrome, a Rare Disease Suffered by Ruben Onsu

In the FYP Trans7 2022 program, Ruben revealed his illness. He explained that he has been experiencing spinal cord narrowing. Not only that, Ruben also suffers from Empty Sella Syndrome (ESS). ESS itself is a rare disease that attacks the protective layer of the pituitary gland, which is the sella turcica. This condition requires Ruben to be constantly monitored medically up to the present time. What are the effects of this disease on the 40-year-old presenter?

What is ESS?

As previously explained, ESS is a disease that attacks the protective covering of the pituitary gland or sella turcica. The sella turcica itself is located in the bone structure at the base of the skull. The pituitary gland itself functions to produce hormones that control the functions of the body's organs. When the gland is disrupted, hormone production and function are also disrupted.

<b>Penyebab ESS</b><br>

The translation of "Penyebab ESS" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Causes of ESS".

Quoted from Alodokter, actually the exact cause of ESS is still unknown, but there are several things that are often associated with this condition.

"Starting from congenital defects in the brain's protective layer, head injuries due to severe impact or accidents, radiation therapy in the head area, brain tumors, brain infections or encephalitis, as well as Sheehan's syndrome. All of these are suspected to be able to cause disruptions in the pituitary gland, which ultimately results in abnormal functioning."

Symptoms ESS

Some symptoms of ESS are frequently experienced by many people. That is why the symptoms are difficult to detect, unless the pituitary gland shrinks and causes hormonal imbalance. Each person can experience different symptoms, depending on the hormones affected by pituitary gland damage. Nevertheless, ESS can make sufferers always feel tired, have chronic headaches, decreased vision quality, dry eyes, or high blood pressure.

This syndrome can also affect the reproductive system and other bodily functions, causing symptoms such as decreased sexual desire, menstrual disorders in women, impotence in men, infertility, and the discharge of odorless clear fluid from the nose.

Treatment ESS

Treatment ESS

Before being diagnosed with ESS, the doctor will trace the patient's medical history as well as their family's. The patient will be asked to undergo several examinations such as blood tests to detect hormone levels, CT scans, or head MRI.

Patients who experience ESS without significant changes in the pituitary gland, hormonal dysfunction, or specific symptoms, will only be regularly monitored for their condition. Meanwhile, patients who experience specific symptoms due to pituitary gland shrinkage and hormonal dysfunction will be given specific treatment to balance their hormones. The doctor may also prescribe eye drops, painkillers, antihypertensive drugs, or even suggest surgery if there is cerebrospinal fluid leakage through the nose.

Is ESS dangerous?

This disease is not dangerous if controlled early. However, ESS can also be fatal if complications arise due to pressure on the brain, hormonal disorders, or problems with cerebrospinal fluid flow. Hopefully Ruben's condition will recover soon, Sahabat Dream.

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