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5 Efek Pilates untuk Postur Tubuh, Bikin Lebih Kuat dan Menarik

"5 Pilates Effects for Body Posture, Make it Stronger and More Attractive"

Dream - Having an ideal body posture is not only about prioritizing visual needs, but also for the health of the spine and physical comfort. To achieve a good body posture, exercise and adopting a healthy lifestyle are necessary.

5 Effects of Pilates for Body Posture, Making It Stronger and More Attractive

Pilates becomes one of the effective types of exercise in improving body posture. Having a method of focus, movement control, breathing, and core strengthening, pilates offers many benefits such as helping to improve body posture and prevent spinal problems. "This pilates is not just a cool sport, this pilates function is to improve our body posture," said Ami, a Pilates Re Bar Sahid Sudirman coach when met on Friday, May 17, 2024 yesterday.

Had the opportunity to join pilates with ZAP, Coach Ami enthusiastically helps beginners to perform basic pilates movements for 45 minutes. By regularly doing pilates exercises, here are some benefits for your body that you can get from pilates!

5 Effects of Pilates for Body Posture, Making It Stronger and More Attractive

1. Strengthening Core Muscles

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Core muscles, which include the muscles around the abdomen, waist, and lower back, are the foundation for good body posture. Pilates emphasizes strengthening these core muscles through movements that require spinal stabilization."


2. Increased Flexibility

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Muscle stiffness and poor flexibility can lead to poor body posture. Pilates exercises combine stretching and lengthening movements of the main muscles, helping to improve body flexibility and correct posture."


3. Increased Body Awareness

One of the main principles of Pilates is body awareness or 'body awareness'. This exercise teaches you to become more aware of your body position and how that position affects posture and breathing.


4. Strengthening the Back Muscles

Weak back muscles often cause poor body posture. Pilates targets the back muscles through a series of exercises that strengthen and stretch this area, helping to prevent and reduce back pain.


5. Improve Proper Body Position

Pilates exercises often improve body posture by emphasizing correct body positions in every movement. This helps you become accustomed to good and natural positions that can be maintained in everyday life. How about it, Dream friends, interested in trying Pilates? Report: Maulia Gowtsi

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