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Get used to taking a short walk after eating, weight can decrease.

Get used to taking a short walk after eating, weight can decrease

Dream - What do Dream friends do after eating? When the stomach is full, it feels like sitting back on the sofa and relaxing. Especially if the stomach feels bloated and really full.

Get used to taking a short walk after eating, weight can decrease

It turns out, we are advised to take a walk first after eating, you know, Dream friends! Not without reason, taking a leisurely walk after eating is believed to prevent type 2 diabetes, as well as help in weight loss.

Walking after eating has an effect on digestive health, especially the intestines. When the body moves, it stimulates intestinal movement. "The intestines always perform peristaltic movements. Peristaltic movement is the coordinated self-squeezing movement of the intestines," said Dr. Nate Wood, one of the doctors at Yale School of Medicine.

Get used to taking a short walk after eating, weight can decrease

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "This coordinated nature helps movements in the body ranging from swallowing food to excreting waste products from that food," said Dr. Nate."

He explained that other body movements, including walking, also influence intestinal peristaltic movements. "The more we move, walk, stretch, and exercise, the stronger and more effective the pressure on the intestines," he said. Meanwhile, David Clarke, a specialist gastroenterologist, believes that muscle contractions are very good for emptying the stomach. It also improves the transit process through the intestinal tract and promotes the removal of gas in the digestive system.

Get used to taking a short walk after eating, weight can decrease

"Walking can cause passing gas through farting or burping, which reduces pressure on the digestive tract, thus reducing muscle tension and reducing bloating," he said.

Walk to Maintain Blood Sugar Level

Aside from helping the digestive system, walking after eating turns out to have other benefits for the body, Sahabat Dream. Walking after eating can help maintain blood sugar levels. The effect is on the stability of glucose levels in the bloodstream, which is very important for increasing energy.


Including being able to prevent spikes or drastic decreases in blood sugar levels, maintaining insulin levels to remain stable, thus reducing the risk of diabetes. Meanwhile, Andrew Boxer, a gastroenterologist in New Jersey, also revealed that walking after meals can also reduce stress. Although it may not seem related, stress can also cause digestive problems such as bloating and gastric acid.

Get used to taking a short walk after eating, weight can decrease

"Taking a leisurely walk after dinner can help reduce stress levels, increase relaxation, and potentially improve digestive system health," he said.

"Tips Walking"

No need to be confused to start, leisurely walking after a meal can be done for a period of 60 to 90 minutes after a heavy meal. "Try to walk for at least four to five minutes within a period of 60 to 90 minutes after a meal," said Clarke. In addition to aiding digestion, walking for 30 to 60 minutes a day is also beneficial for the body, especially if done regularly. Clarke also does not recommend high-intensity and long-duration exercise. Exercise can actually be done in a relaxed manner, but still regularly.

"Avoid sports sessions that last more than one hour. This can have a negative impact on the digestive system," says Clarke. Long and intense sports sessions can also have a negative effect on blood circulation. In many cases, if Sahabat Dream engages in long and intensive exercise, they may experience cramps and nausea. For a simple step to start physical activity, try walking after meals. Let's start now, Sahabat Dream. Report: Salma Rihhadatul Aisy / Source: Yahoo News"

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