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No Need for Exercise, There is a Safe Way to Lose Half a Kilogram in a Week

No Need for Exercise, There is a Safe Way to Lose Half a Kilogram in a Week

Tak Perlu Olahraga, Ada Cara Aman Turunkan BB Setengah Kilogram dalam Seminggu

Dream - Many people try to lose weight in any way possible. Having an ideal body weight not only makes your appearance more attractive, but also prevents various diseases and improves body endurance.

Tak Perlu Olahraga, Ada Cara Aman Turunkan BB Setengah Kilogram dalam Seminggu

Every person has different targets and ways when they want to lose weight. Usually, someone will have a target to lose 0.5 kilograms per week. Unfortunately, that target is not always easy to achieve. Laziness in exercising and unhealthy eating patterns will make it more difficult to reach the target.

Tak Perlu Olahraga, Ada Cara Aman Turunkan BB Setengah Kilogram dalam Seminggu

If Dream friends experience the same thing, try improving eating patterns and lifestyle first. Destini Moody, a professional in the field of nutrition and diet, shares tips on losing 0.5 kilograms of weight per week without having to exercise. According to her, the main key to dieting lies in eating patterns and lifestyle.

"How many calories need to be burned?"

Moody suggests reducing the consumption of 3,500 calories per week. If you want it to be easier, Sahabat Dream can reduce daily consumption by around 500 calories to lose 0.5 kilograms in a week. There are several ways that can make it easier to reduce daily calorie intake for a more manageable diet. Here are some of them:

1. Get to Know High-Calorie Foods

1. Get to Know High-Calorie Foods

The calorie content is not the same as the nutritional content of food. Some calorie-rich foods are not rich in nutrients. Consuming such types of food can lead to an increase in calorie consumption without obtaining the important nutrients needed by the body.

Tak Perlu Olahraga, Ada Cara Aman Turunkan BB Setengah Kilogram dalam Seminggu

As an example, high-calorie potato chips are not rich in nutrients for the body. Instead, replace them with nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, or nuts that can help reduce unnecessary calorie intake.

2. Record Calorie Intake

2. Record Calorie Intake

One effective way to lose weight is to record daily calorie intake. You can record it manually or use specific applications that have a list of calories for various types of food.

Tak Perlu Olahraga, Ada Cara Aman Turunkan BB Setengah Kilogram dalam Seminggu

By doing this method, you can get an overview of the eating patterns that are carried out and it will be easier to control the daily calorie intake.

3. Kurangi Camilan

3. Reduce Snacks

If your goal is to lose half a kilogram of body weight in a week, consider reducing your consumption of snacks, especially those that contain added sugar or saturated fat.

4. Konsumsi Sayuran

4. Vegetable Consumption

"Low-carbohydrate vegetables such as asparagus, artichoke, and green vegetables are very suitable to be consumed when wanting to lose weight."

Tak Perlu Olahraga, Ada Cara Aman Turunkan BB Setengah Kilogram dalam Seminggu

"Low-calorie and high-fiber vegetables such as green vegetables, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, or similar options can be a good choice. This type of food contains a lot of water, fiber, and makes you feel full longer without adding too many calories," said Moody.

5. Enough Sleep

According to the National Institutes of Health, lack of sleep can disrupt metabolism and increase weight. Control your sleep schedule regularly and improve your environment when resting to improve the quality of your sleep. Sleep for 8-9 hours every night to avoid excessive hunger. Report by Amanda Syavira/Source: Eat is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information on this link

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