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Overcome Sore Throat with Ice Cream, How is it Possible?

Overcome Sore Throat with Ice Cream, How is it Possible?

Dream - Besides flu, sore throat is also a common illness during the rainy season or transition period. People who experience it will find it difficult to swallow, even disrupting their ability to speak. Of course, this is very disruptive to daily activities.

Overcoming Sore Throat with Ice Cream, How is it Possible?

Fortunately, there are several ways to treat a sore throat. Dream friends don't have to take medicine when experiencing it. In fact, there is a statement that consuming ice cream can alleviate discomfort in the throat. Is that true?

Overcoming Sore Throat with Ice Cream, How is it Possible?

"Ice Cream Helps Relieve Sore Throat"

Eating ice cream can indeed temporarily relieve a sore throat thanks to its soothing cold sensation. However, before consuming it excessively, it is important to know that the high sugar content in ice cream can cause inflammation and weaken the immune system. So, consider choosing ice cream options that are more health-friendly.

Kandungan Gula dalam Es Krim Memicu Peradangan<br>

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Sugar Content in Ice Cream Triggers Inflammation".

A study shows that consuming sugar is not good for the immune system because it can trigger inflammation and reduce the body's ability to fight infections.

Excessive sugar intake can reduce the performance of white blood cells which play an important role in fighting diseases. This is more likely to occur if the cause of a sore throat is a virus or bacteria.

Overcoming Sore Throat with Ice Cream, How is it Possible?

"Ice Cream Good for Sore Throat"

If you want to relieve a sore throat by consuming ice cream, choose a specific type of ice cream. Consume ice cream that has low sugar content or is sugar-free to avoid inflammation or irritation in the throat.

For those of you who are allergic to milk, choose ice cream made from coconut milk or almond milk. Sorbet made from fresh fruits can also be an alternative to soothe a sore throat and provide additional nutrition. Additionally, it is important to choose ice cream with a smooth texture. Avoid cone ice cream as it has a hard texture and can potentially irritate a sore throat.

Is Ice Cream Good for Tonsillitis?

Ice cream can provide a soothing sensation for some people who are experiencing tonsillitis due to its cold and soft texture. Dream friends can also consume ice cream after undergoing tonsil surgery. According to research, consuming ice cream after tonsil surgery can help alleviate post-operative pain.

Mana Lebih Baik, Makanan Panas atau Dingin?

Which is Better, Hot Food or Cold Food?

Warm or cold food can help relieve a sore throat. The choice depends on each individual's preference.

The two options provide a comfortable sensation, like ice lollies, hot soup, or even warm tea with honey that can be chosen according to preference. A study was conducted on children aged 4-12 years by giving them food at different temperatures after surgery. The results showed that the difference in food temperature did not affect the level of pain, bleeding, nausea, or vomiting in these children. However, it is still recommended to avoid hot foods after tonsil surgery.

"Food and Drinks that Cause Sore Throat"

Consume spicy food, high acid content food, hot drinks, and excessive alcohol consumption can trigger irritation and inflammation of the throat, so it must be avoided, Sahabat Dream. Especially when experiencing throat inflammation. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source: is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information at this link https:\/\/\/DreamcoidWAChannel

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