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The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows:

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The Impact of Shopee 11.11 Big Sale: Local Entrepreneurs Experience a 7-Fold Increase in Transactions."

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The 11.11 Big Sale campaign, held until November 11th, indeed brought several positive impacts for many parties, including local brands and SMEs. The twin date campaign has successfully provided significant benefits for local business actors. Not to be taken lightly, their transactions have increased up to 7 times during the peak of the 11.11 Big Sale compared to regular days. This is certainly evidence that Shopee is truly committed to driving business growth, making it stronger, and able to compete in an increasingly dynamic trading ecosystem."

Monica Vionna, Head of Marketing Growth Shopee Indonesia said, "As a campaign that offers the biggest year-end promotion, 11.11 Big Sale is not only about shopping, but also serves as a form of Shopee's support to provide greater opportunities and exposure to local brands and products."

"The aim is to encourage consumers to be more interested in exploring domestic products, while helping local brands to be accepted by the wider community. Interestingly, throughout this 11.11 Big Sale campaign, we have felt a high level of interest from consumers in shopping for local products and SMEs from various categories. This has been a motivating factor for us to always provide various innovations and initiatives that are beneficial to the entire ecosystem, driving local business growth, and strengthening the connection between sellers and consumers," he continued."

Push Transformation and Open Inclusive Opportunities for Local Brands & SMEs.

In the continuously evolving digital era, it is important for local brands and MSMEs to keep innovating, leveraging existing opportunities, and continuously transforming themselves to strengthen their existence.

Push Transformation and Open Inclusive Opportunities for Local Brands & SMEs.

"Moreover, in the shopping period towards the end of the year, it becomes an important moment for consumers to chase attractive promos, special offers, and various product complements to fulfill their various needs. Local brands and SMEs that can embrace this consumer shopping trend will have a great opportunity for significant business growth."

The enthusiasm of local sellers' participation also supports the 11.11 Big Sale campaign in presenting a variety of products from various categories. Thus, indirectly motivating people to be more enthusiastic in hunting for various local and SME products. Especially in the Beauty, Fashion, and Lifestyle categories, which apparently receive special attention from consumers throughout the campaign.

"Beneficial for Sellers and Partners"

"On the other hand, the advantages and benefits presented during the 11.11 Big Sale, become a mutually beneficial strength between Shopee and sellers. One of them, the positive impact felt by local brand partners Benang Jarum, and NAMA Beauty."

Menguntungkan Penjual dan Mitranya<br>

Not only the products are excellent, but the local brand partners also feel the tremendous enthusiasm from users when taking advantage of special promotions, especially during the peak of the 11.11 Big Sale campaign last Saturday. It can be seen how the local fashion brand, Benang Jarum, managed to record a transaction increase of more than 93 times compared to regular days.

"Has joined Shopee since 2020, the owner of the Allyssa Hawadi brand, Co-Founder Benang Jarum, revealed, "Being part of the excitement of the 11.11 Big Sale is certainly one of the effective strategies that we have utilized. We are happy to grow together and feel the positive atmosphere from Shopee users for our brand since the beginning of joining." "As a fashion business player, this collaboration not only opens opportunities for our business growth until now, but also creates sustainable opportunities so that local brands are increasingly recognized and known by the wider community. We hope that in the future, Shopee will always bring innovation to support us in achieving success together," he continued."

Included in the category that received high enthusiasm, NAMA Beauty brand also experienced extraordinary achievements. Participating in the Shopee 11.11 Big Sale and utilizing the features presented throughout the campaign, NAMA also managed to record an increase of more than 64 times the number of products sold compared to regular days. Even the Nama Beauty x Mami Louisee product, namely the toner bundle, became one of the best-selling local products in this 11.11 event.

Impact of Utilizing Shopee Program and Features

Strengthening potential is a continued step to create a sustainable business.

Dampak Pemanfaatan Program dan Fitur Shopee

Apart from the ongoing campaign, support for various initiatives, such as the Shopee Export Program, can be one of the strategies to expand business to foreign markets. This opportunity is apparently well utilized by local brands and MSMEs on Shopee, as there is a recorded increase in export orders that reached more than 4 times during the peak of the 11.11 Big Sale campaign.

Monica said, "The Shopee Export Program is not only a gateway to open new opportunities, but also a tool to strengthen business strategies. Of course, we will guide local brands and SMEs through the Shopee SME Campus and Shopee Export SME Campus. The goal is to provide understanding of international market trends, adapt products to global preferences, while optimizing the Shopee e-commerce platform as a future strategy. We hope that through the innovative programs that Shopee offers, we can continuously help local brands and SMEs progress," Monica continued.

Committed to bringing buyers and sellers closer together, various features such as Shopee Live offer solutions through real-time interaction and communication. It allows buyers to inquire about products and even see product demonstrations more clearly in order to enhance trust, which is an attraction in itself. This enthusiasm is evident from the increase in the number of Shopee Live sessions presented by local brands and SMEs during peak campaigns, which has multiplied by 6 times. This aspect further demonstrates that live streaming has now become a platform for sellers to build communities with customers.

More than that, another program that is increasingly favored by the community is the Shopee Affiliate Program, which now also helps sellers more effectively expand their reach through collaboration with creators. Encouraging the increase in the existence of local brands while providing convenience for users to share product inspiration turns out to be a new field for additional income. At the peak of this 11.11 campaign, more and more sellers are experiencing the benefits and advantages of this program, where there has been an increase in the number of products from local brands and SMEs that have been promoted through Shopee Affiliate, more than 9 times.

"Consumer Shopping Trends from Various Islands in Indonesia"

The spirit of consumers who support the growth of local businesses and appreciate the creativity and quality of products from local entrepreneurs is strongly felt throughout the 11.11 Big Sale campaign.

"Not only as a moment to find the biggest year-end promotions that offer many advantages, but also to portray how sellers in various islands of Indonesia compete to present their best products on the Shopee platform. Therefore, it is not surprising that several islands in Indonesia have their own best-selling product trends:"

Just call it the island located in the westernmost part of Indonesia, namely Sumatra Island. It turns out that Minyak Telon, Baby Diapers, and Children's T-shirts have become the most purchased local products and MSMEs at the peak of the campaign. This shows that the need for products from the Mother and Child category is a highly sought-after trend among new mothers in Sumatra.

Continuing to the island of Java, as the island with the largest population, it seems that the shopping trend is influenced by the increasingly widespread local brands with unquestionable product quality. Many users are seen buying Hand & Body Lotion and Face Moisturizer from local brands to achieve maximum appearance. However, the search for Smartphone products also becomes the highest in this island.

"Different from Bali Island which is often referred to as a paradise for tourist destinations. It seems that at the end of the year, this island will actually be a popular vacation spot to visit. In line with that, Bali's traditional clothing, sunglasses, and sunscreen products are becoming the most sought-after products to prepare for welcoming local and foreign tourists."

The text translation from Bahasa to English while preserving HTML tags: "Kalimantan Island Apparently, the seasonal conditions are changing from hot to rainy season. Essential products such as Raincoats, Men's & Women's Jackets, and Hoodies have become the most popular local products and SMEs during the peak of the 11.11 campaign. Users seem to have prepared equipment to welcome the year-end rainy season. In addition, Sulawesi Island also has a lot of diversity in its community's needs. An interesting finding from the shopping behavior of its people is that products such as Fans, Neon Lights, as well as Pans and Pots are the most purchased items on Sulawesi Island. It seems that Household products are the primary needs on this island."

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The island of Papua is no less surprising with fashion products such as Cargo Pants, Men's Watches, Couple Bracelets, and Couple Clothes becoming favorite products of the community. Although it is far from the capital city, the community, especially on this island, apparently still keeps up-to-date with current trends, so fashion products and accessories have become sought-after items for the residents there."

Shopee always uses various trends seen throughout this 11.11 Big Sale campaign as a foundation for continuous innovation. Not forgetting, Shopee also continues to provide the best offers and an extraordinary shopping experience for loyal users. Therefore, in order to enjoy the various conveniences and benefits offered, don't forget to download the Shopee app now for free on the App Store or Google Play Store. Also, activate ShopeePay for easier and more profitable transaction processes.

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