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"5 Digestive Complaints that Cannot be Ignored, Need Help from Gastroenterology Experts"

5 Digestive Complaints that Should Not Be Ignored, Need a Gastroenterologist

Dream - Digestive disorders are common problems experienced by many people. The pain can be experienced from mild to severe, but the condition can improve over time. This makes some people not pay much attention to the digestive problems they experience.

"However, not all digestive disorders can be underestimated. There are several conditions that should be immediately consulted with a doctor, especially a gastroenterologist, who is a digestive expert. Here are several conditions that should be immediately consulted with a specialist."

1.	Kesulitan Menelan

1. Difficulty Swallowing

"If you experience continuous difficulty swallowing (disphagia) accompanied by the appearance of lumps in the throat, frequent pain or swelling in the same area, immediately consult a gastroenterology specialist, yes!"

Difficulty swallowing can be a sign of a serious condition. This can be caused by damage due to acid reflux in the esophagus, weakened muscles, wounds, or narrowing in the same area. So if you experience these symptoms, do not hesitate to seek medical help.

2. Merasa Nyeri di Ulu Hati

2. Feeling Pain in the Upper Abdomen

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The sensation of burning in the chest is often caused by the rise of stomach acid into the esophagus or GERD. This condition can be caused by several factors, such as alcohol consumption, spicy food, carbonated drinks, fried food, and smoking."

If you feel pain in the chest accompanied by shortness of breath, pain when swallowing, difficulty in defecating or even bleeding, and dizziness, this could indicate a more serious condition, you know. Therefore, it is important to consult with a digestive specialist doctor immediately to evaluate and receive further treatment.

3.	Kembung

3. Bloating

Bloatedness is a very common digestive problem that can occur even without a history of stomach disease. The condition will become more serious if your stomach is bloated accompanied by severe pain, bloody stools, nausea, or pain during bowel movements.

The possibility of serious digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, gallstones, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) could be the cause.

4.	Diare

4. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a condition in which the feces that are expelled are in liquid form. It generally lasts for a short period and recovers within 1-2 days. The causes vary, ranging from excessive caffeine consumption, drinking unhygienic water, to eating spicy food.

"Dear Dream friends, you should be careful if diarrhea lasts for more than four weeks. Your digestive condition could be more serious. Please consult with a gastroenterologist immediately, especially if you experience dehydration, black or hard stools, severe abdominal or rectal pain, high fever, or if you have pus or blood in your stools."

5.	Penurunan Berat Badan Drastis

5. Drastic Weight Loss

Drastic weight loss without reason is a condition that you should pay attention to. If you lose more than 5% of your body weight within 6-12 months, this is not a normal thing.

This condition can be a symptom of digestive problems such as chronic pancreatitis, cirrhosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or stomach ulcers. Report by Marha Adani Putri/ Source: is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information on this link https:\/\/\/DreamcoidWAChannel.

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