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"Eating too much rice makes you sleepy, so watch your portion!"

Eating Too Much Rice Makes You Sleepy, Watch Your Portion!

Dream - Rice has become the staple food for most Asian people, especially in Indonesia. Many people feel like they haven't eaten anything if they don't consume rice in a day. However, sources of carbohydrates can be obtained from various types of food.

Friend Dream can consume potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro, cassava, even vegetables to meet daily carbohydrate intake with additional nutrients.

Eating Too Much Rice Makes You Sleepy, Watch Your Portion!
Eating Too Much Rice Makes You Sleepy, Watch Your Portion!

Actually, white rice not only contains carbohydrates, but also protein, potassium, fiber, sugar, iron, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B6.

Although, the content of potassium, sugar, calcium, and iron is only 1% per 100 grams of rice. The content of magnesium, protein, vitamin B6, and fiber only ranges from 3-9%. Carbohydrates remain the highest content, which is 9% or about 28 grams per 100 grams of rice.

Nasi Bikin Ngantuk translates to "Rice Makes You Sleepy" in English.

The high carbohydrate content makes some people believe that consuming rice can make them feel drowsy. In fact, drowsiness often occurs during the day, when a person tends to consume rice with side dishes. However, consuming rice and side dishes aims to make the body more energetic in activities.

"Expert Opinion"

According to Doctor Dion Haryadi, feeling sleepy after eating can arise if consuming too many carbohydrates. This statement is supported by research that states consuming too many carbohydrates during the day will make it difficult for you to sleep at night.

"Carbohydrates can trigger drowsiness through the MCH receptor or melanin-concentrating hormone in our brain. High glucose levels can increase the activity of this MCH, causing drowsiness."
Dion said in the Instagram post.

"@ 2023"

Eating Too Much Rice Makes You Sleepy, Watch Your Portion!

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The feeling of drowsiness after lunch might make you sleep during the day. This is what makes it more difficult for you to sleep at night, especially if you have slept enough during the day. The quality of sleep will also decline if not addressed immediately."

Overcoming Sleepiness After Lunch

Researchers suggest reducing excessive carbohydrate consumption during lunch. Instead, increase the percentage of carbohydrates consumed in the evening with smaller portions compared to breakfast or lunch to facilitate drowsiness and better sleep.

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