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5 Rempah yang Bisa Redakan Kembung, Bikin Perut Lebih Nyaman<br>

"5 Spices that Can Relieve Bloating, Make the Stomach More Comfortable"

5 Spices that Can Relieve Bloating, Make the Stomach More Comfortable

Dream - Kembung is an uncomfortable condition in the stomach that is very common experienced by many people. Kembung can be caused by various factors, including food intake, digestive problems, and menstruation.

However, although bloating is a common condition, it can sometimes be difficult to alleviate its symptoms. This is because some people are still unaware of the proper ways to overcome it.

5 Spices that Can Relieve Bloating, Make the Stomach More Comfortable

"Starting now, Dream Friends no longer need to worry if experiencing bloating. Apparently, there are kitchen spices that can help overcome this condition, you know! Curious about what spices they are? Let's take a look at the complete list!"

<b>1.	Jahe</b>

1. Ginger

Ginger is a leafy plant that has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-ulcer properties. These properties make it a medicine that has long been relied upon by many people.

5 Spices that Can Relieve Bloating, Make the Stomach More Comfortable

A study shows that ginger can improve digestion, relieve intestinal cramps, including bloating. Not only that, ginger can also help reduce nausea and vomiting, you know.

<b>2.	Jinten</b>

2. Cumin

Apart from enriching the taste of food, it turns out that cuminum cyminum or cumin has also been used for a long time to treat various diseases, including digestive problems.

5 Spices that Can Relieve Bloating, Make the Stomach More Comfortable

According to a study, cumin can help in bile production, which is certainly very important for digestion and nutrient absorption. When digestion is in good condition, problems such as bloating and stomach cramps can be avoided.

<b>3.	Lada Hitam</b>

3. Black Pepper

Did you know that black pepper contains powerful compounds that have been proven to improve digestion and nutrient absorption? Yup, these compounds are called piperine.

Piperine is able to stimulate blood flow to the digestive tract and help stimulate the release of digestive enzymes needed to digest food. With better digestion, bloating will also decrease.

4. Cinnamon

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon can also help alleviate various health conditions and symptoms, including vomiting, bloating, cough, cold, decreased appetite, and fatigue. Cinnamon has been proven to help improve blood circulation, support healthy digestion, and relieve bloating.

<b>5.	Biji Ketumbar</b>

5. Coriander Seeds

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Coriander seeds are aromatic spices that add a strong flavor to various dishes. These seeds also offer many health benefits, including aiding digestion when added to cooking."

In addition, coriander also has antibacterial properties that maintain intestinal health. Moreover, this spice contributes to antioxidant activity, helping to cleanse the body from free radicals and reduce inflammation. Report by Marha Adani Putri/ Source:

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