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Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya Dian Sastro di Serial

Cool portrait of Dian Sastro's Kebaya costume in the series "Gadis Kretek".

Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial

"Dream - The Kretek Girls series is currently being discussed by series enthusiasts in Indonesia. This is the first original Indonesian series to air on Netflix, adapting the story from Ratih Kumala's novel published in 2012."

Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial

Displaying a number of renowned artists from the homeland, one of them being Dian Sastrowardoyo. One interesting aspect of this series is the kebaya costume worn by Dian. In this series, she portrays the character of Dasiyah.

Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial

Dasiyah has a natural talent for selecting the best tobacco to be rolled into kretek cigarettes. In this series, Dasiyah is portrayed as a strong-willed Javanese woman. Kebaya is her daily attire.

Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial

Many viewers were amazed by the kebaya worn by Dasiyah. Hagai Pakan, the costume designer, revealed that the black and white kebaya worn by Dasiyah was intentionally chosen to highlight her character.

Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial
Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial

"I least like black. But after my first conversation with @kamilandini about the central character in this story, I can't imagine any other color than black that represents it," expressed Hagai in his Instagram @hagaipakan."

Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial

"For the kebaya model worn by Dasiyah, it is slightly different. The model is like the actual beskap worn by Javanese men."

"The selection of a very specific kebaya, a combination of surjan, janggan kebaya, and classic kebaya, is a symbol of the complexity of Dasiyah's soul, loyal to her roots yet ready to change the world," expressed Hagai.

Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial
Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial

In some scenes, Dasiyah also wears a white kebaya. According to Hagai, the chosen white color for Dasiyah's character symbolizes a new chapter in life.

Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial

"Smooth brocade material, with a classic design, beautifully wraps around Dian's body. Supported by the hairstyle and light makeup."

Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial
Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial

"For Dasiyah, the white kebaya reminds her of the beloved women who used to weave, she feels like coming home," wrote Hagai.

Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The selection of batik fabric motifs is also given attention to detail. Hagai chooses batik with a parang motif. In Javanese philosophy, parang represents the spirit of never giving up and continuously moving forward. "Parang batik symbolizes resistance (batin) Dasiyah," revealed Hagai."

Potret Keren Kostum Kebaya yang Dikenakan Dian Sastro di Serial
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