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Atasi Rasa Kelelahan dengan Konsumsi 2 Minuman Ini

Overcome Fatigue by Consuming These 2 Drinks

Dream - Daily routines that are full of demands and pressures can make you tired. This is difficult to avoid without reducing daily activities. Fatigue also depends on age and body health conditions.

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Regardless of the cause, fatigue can be overcome by getting enough rest. If you still feel tired, Sahabat Dream can refresh the body with several ways to stay productive and fit.

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One way is by consuming energy drinks. Energy drinks also do not mean packaged products that are high in sugar or carbohydrates. Dream friends can make it themselves to refresh the body and overcome fatigue due to adrenal fatigue.

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What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is a feeling of exhaustion that arises due to prolonged periods of high-pressure situations. In such conditions, the adrenal glands work excessively. As a result, the production of several types of hormones stops, including cortisol, which plays a role in the body's response to stress.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

According to Nutritionist Shikha Gupta, the effects of this fatigue include exhaustion, decreased energy, and so on. When experiencing adrenal fatigue, the body will lose certain types of minerals, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

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The following 'Bahasa' text has been translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Lost minerals and adrenal fatigue can be overcome by consuming 2 types of drinks. Gupta himself refers to these drinks as 'adrenal cocktails' that are rich in minerals and nutrients. In addition to overcoming fatigue, consuming these two drinks can help hormone production to cope with stress. Here are two recommended drinks to overcome fatigue."

1. Banana and Spinach

Prepare coconut water, bananas, spinach, and sea salt to make this cocktail. Mix all the ingredients, blend, and drink. If you don't have spinach, you can replace it with water spinach.

1. Banana and Spinach

Every ingredient in this mixture has beneficial nutrients to improve overall health. If you want to add flavor, mix it with honey or dates and cream of tartar.

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2. Lemon and Honey Cocktail

Prepare water, honey, sea salt, lemon drops, apple cider vinegar, and bird's eye chili. Then, mix all of these ingredients in one glass and drink it.

2. Lemon and Honey Cocktail

Although it tastes strong, this drink is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and minerals that can boost overall energy and health. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source: NDTV Food

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