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Jalan Kaki adalah Olahraga Terbaik, Benarkah?

Walking is the Best Sport, Is it True?

Jalan Kaki Disebut Olahraga Terbaik,  Cari Tahu Dulu Faktanya

Dream - Walking is a solution for many people who want to start the habit of exercising. People who experience obesity are also advised to walk first to get used to exercising.

It must be acknowledged that walking is the easiest, lightest, and free exercise. Sahabat Dream doesn't have to buy special clothing or pay for a gym membership to go for a walk.

Jalan Kaki Disebut Olahraga Terbaik,  Cari Tahu Dulu Faktanya

Walking also has various health benefits and is claimed to be the best exercise according to several sources, but is this claim true? This question was answered by Doctor Dion Haryadi through his Instagram.

"Walking can be the best exercise, but not always. Again, the answer depends. If you have specific goals like increasing muscle mass or participating in a marathon, well, it's not possible with just walking alone,""
He said.

"@ 2023"


"Benefits of Walking"

Although it is very easy to do and may not necessarily make your body sweat, walking has various health benefits.

Walking is also easy to control the intensity, distance, and time easily. Dream friends can improve walking performance regularly to get more benefits from walking. In addition, walking is also very beneficial for health and heart strength. You can do it to train endurance.

"The Things You Can't Get by Walking"

Walking alone cannot provide you with maximum health benefits when exercising. Dream friends need to engage in other types of exercise to obtain additional health benefits.

"Not Enough to Lose Weight"

If you want to lose weight, walking alone is not enough. Especially if it is not done in conjunction with managing your diet and minimizing the amount of calories consumed.

"Not Enough to Strengthen Joints"

"Even walking alone is not able to make the joints stronger because Sahabat Dream needs to strengthen the muscles to achieve it. Likewise, if you want to have a better metabolism so that weight does not easily increase when consuming certain types of food."

"Walking is basically a cardio exercise, so the goal is to train the heart muscle, train our stamina, our endurance,""
"tuturnya" translates to "he/she speaks" in English.

"@ 2023"


Actually, to train endurance and stamina, you should run. Especially, if you have been walking frequently. Sahabat Dream needs to do weightlifting if they want to add health benefits from walking. You can do weightlifting at home with your own body weight or bodyweight lifting. It can be done with various movements, so exercising at home can also transform your body to be healthier.

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