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First Jobber, Do 4 Things to Increase Confidence Before Interview

First Jobber, Do 4 Things to Increase Confidence Before Interview

First Jobber, Do 4 Things to Boost Self-Confidence Before an Interview

Dream - After completing education, the next step is to search for a job that matches the educational background and passion. Before entering the workforce, of course, there are several steps that need to be taken to achieve the desired position, and one of them is through the interview stage.

Interview is a crucial stage in the selection of prospective employees for a company. The result is very important to gather information and determine whether the candidate is suitable to be accepted or not.

First Jobber, Do 4 Things to Boost Self-Confidence Before an Interview

For almost everyone facing an interview session, feeling nervous is a common thing that can undermine self-confidence. For those who feel less confident in facing interviews, the days leading up to the session can be filled with anxiety. Overthinking thoughts arise endlessly, triggering a tendency to overthink that potentially reduces self-confidence. If you feel anxious before an interview, don't worry. Lucy Walker, a human resources consultant, shares tips that can be done to increase self-confidence before the interview. Take note, Dream friends.

1. Pretend to Be Confident

Showing confidence during an interview can start by giving a solid and firm handshake and using convincing body language. Although it may sometimes feel like pretending, such actions can trigger positive reactions from others. Over time, such behavior can serve as a catalyst for changes in self-confidence levels.

2. Riset

2. Research

Prepare yourself by checking the target company's website, the company background, and the people within it. Take note of important names and get to know them on social media. During the interview, ask questions that show that you know a lot.

First Jobber, Do 4 Things to Boost Self-Confidence Before an Interview

Prepare answers for possible questions and practice answers for common questions by giving examples from relevant work experiences. Explain the content of your CV in a convincing way that can persuade the interviewer's mind. Adjust your preparation to the interview style that will be conducted.

3. Pilih Pakaian yang Sesuai

3. Choose Appropriate Clothing

"Apparel indeed plays a significant role in creating a first impression during interviews, and HR departments often make initial assessments based on the appearance that is observed. In a work environment, the way we dress is often seen as a reflection of our attitude and professionalism."

First Jobber, Do 4 Things to Boost Self-Confidence Before an Interview

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Clothes that make us comfortable and confident can have an effect on our level of self-confidence. If you feel good about your appearance, chances are you will appear confident during an interview."

4. Positive Thinking

We must take control of our minds and focus on positive things. By noting all achievements and successes, we can build self-confidence and counteract the brain's tendency to dwell on failures. Report by Amanda Syavira/ Lucy Walker.

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