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Want to Keep Eating Chocolate? Could Be a Sign of Magnesium Deficiency

Want to Keep Eating Chocolate? Could Be a Sign of Magnesium Deficiency

Dream - Have you ever had such a strong desire to eat chocolate? Sometimes we even want to consume it in large portions. This can happen for days. Finally, we indulge in a large amount of chocolate. Did you know, Dream Friend, that this condition can actually relate to your health? There is a possibility that this is more than just a craving for sweet snacks.

Want to Keep Eating Chocolate? It Could Be a Sign of Magnesium Deficiency

Health experts explain that excessive craving for chocolate can be caused by nutritional deficiencies in the body. Nutritionist Rebecca Pinto emphasizes that every food craving is related to specific nutritional deficiencies.

Want to Keep Eating Chocolate? It Could Be a Sign of Magnesium Deficiency

The desire to constantly consume chocolate may be a sign of a lack of magnesium in the body. Who would have thought, behind the pleasure of biting into soft and sweet chocolate, our bodies may be signaling this need.

Want to Keep Eating Chocolate? It Could Be a Sign of Magnesium Deficiency

"Correlation of Chocolate and Magnesium"

Chocolate consists of a mixture of cocoa powder, cocoa butter, and sweeteners. There are several types of chocolate that can be enjoyed, including dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and extra dark chocolate.

Most people consume chocolate to cope with stress, hormonal imbalance, or satisfy sweet cravings. Health experts argue that a lack of magnesium can be a cause for the desire to consume chocolate. According to research in the Journal of Nutrition by the American Society of Nutrition, cocoa found in chocolate has a high magnesium content.

"Because magnesium can help relieve muscle cramps, many people, especially women who are menstruating, tend to crave chocolate to alleviate various types of pain."
According to Nmami Agarwal, a nutritionist.


"Can Chocolate Increase Magnesium in the Body?"

According to the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, dark chocolate with 90% cocoa content is rich in magnesium. Although 100 grams of dark chocolate contains about 252.2 mg of magnesium, consuming this type of chocolate may be difficult.

Cokelat Bisa Tambah Magnesium dalam Tubuh?<br>

Therefore, as a result, many people choose commercial chocolate with added sweeteners. Therefore, nutritionist Rebecca Pinto suggests including foods rich in magnesium such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts in your daily diet. This is good for you to do in order to overcome magnesium deficiency.

"Kebutuhan Magnesium " translates to "Magnesium Needs " in English.

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Recommended daily magnesium levels vary depending on age, gender, and health conditions. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for magnesium intake for adults aged 19-51 is 400-420 mg for men and 310-320 mg for women."


Pregnant women are advised to consume around 350-360 mg of magnesium per day, while breastfeeding mothers need 310-320 mg of magnesium. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source: NDTV Food

Want to Keep Eating Chocolate? It Could Be a Sign of Magnesium Deficiency
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