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"5 Ways to Tone Flabby Arms from the Experts"

5 Ways to Tighten Flabby Arms from Fitness Experts

Dream - The arm becomes one of the body areas that often sag and make a person less confident. Your appearance can be disrupted by sagging arms, especially when wearing tight or sleeveless clothing.

Overcoming flabby arms is not as easy as it seems on social media. Lifting dumbbells every day does not guarantee that your arms will immediately shrink. This can happen if you do it the wrong way. You can also do more suitable ways to shrink your arms according to your body condition. What are the proven effective ways to eliminate fat in the arms? Let's find out more!

1. Low Calorie Diet

1. Low Calorie Diet

You need to eat and drink less than usual to lose weight and slim down your arms. Especially if you don't do much physical activity.

Reducing consumed calories will make weight loss more effective. Dream friends will also find it easier to achieve a proportional body shape. If necessary, consult a nutrition doctor to determine the appropriate amount of calories and eating patterns for more effective weight loss.

2. Reduce Consumption of Refined Sugar

2. Reduce Consumption of Refined Sugar

Although sweet drinks and food have a delicious taste, consuming them in large amounts can cause an increase in blood sugar levels in the body, you know. If this continues to happen, your body fat and weight will surely increase.

“Avoiding high-fat foods, processed foods, refined sugar, and excessive intake of nutrient-deficient carbohydrates can boost metabolism to eliminate fat in the arms.”
According to Megan Johnson McCullough, Certified Fitness Trainer.

"@ 2023"


In order to maintain your weight, the food you consume should consist of 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat. This will help you easily eliminate fat in your arms.

3. Increase Fiber Consumption

3. Increase Fiber Consumption

By consuming high-fiber foods such as broccoli, nuts, and berries, you will feel full longer. This will also help you avoid overeating. Fiber-rich foods will facilitate weight loss and stabilize blood sugar.

4. Do Weightlifting Exercise

4. Do Weightlifting Exercise

"The best way to get rid of arm fat is by replacing it with muscle tissue," said Fitness Coach, Ramona Braganza.

Building muscle will help the body become more efficient in storing fat. The energy provided by fat will be used as fuel by muscle tissue, even when the body is resting or sleeping. Braganza suggests doing weightlifting to reduce fat in the arms and develop muscles.

Focus on the bicep, tricep, and deltoid (shoulder) muscles to slim down the arms. Some exercises that can be done include push-ups, pull-ups, chest press, bicep curl, tricep extension, and lateral raise.

5 Ways to Tighten Flabby Arms from Fitness Experts
5.	Lakukan Latihan Kardio

5. Do Cardio Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise is another way to lose weight. Some options for cardiovascular exercise that you can do are walking, running, cycling, swimming, and rowing.

Although the number of calories burned by each person in one day varies, walking can burn 300-500 calories in one hour. Meanwhile, running can burn the same amount of calories in just half an hour. Report by Marha Adani Putri/ Source:

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