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Perhatian, Kata Dokter Umur 20 Bisa Hipertensi karena Suka Overthinking

Attention, Doctor's Word, Age 20 Can Have Hypertension because of Overthinking.

Perhatian, Kata Dokter Umur 20 Bisa Hipertensi karena Suka Overthinking

Dream - If you hear about high blood pressure or hypertension, maybe the first thing that comes to mind is a disease that affects older people. Wait, don't jump to conclusions like that, my friend Dream.

Perhatian, Kata Dokter Umur 20 Bisa Hipertensi karena Suka Overthinking

Young people or those in their 20s can also experience it. Indeed, there are many factors that can cause someone to develop hypertension.

Perhatian, Kata Dokter Umur 20 Bisa Hipertensi karena Suka Overthinking

"Not only because of the food or drinks consumed, but what young people often don't realize is that it can also be triggered by overthinking. Who here likes overthinking?"

"Thinking excessively and repeatedly without seeking a solution, it is indeed better to avoid and control it. Do you know that the habit of overthinking can put you at risk of developing hypertension? Why is that so? According to Dr. Hendri Andreas, a Holistic Plastic Surgeon, hypertension is a chronic disease, not hereditary. It is often caused by overthinking."

"28 years old with hypertension, good laboratory results but having difficulty sleeping, insomnia, only sleeping for three hours. The question is what should I eat, even though hypertension is not necessarily caused by food but more often due to lack of rest. If we lack sleep, it can lead to problems with hypertension and eventually chronic kidney problems, diabetes, and even cancer. So, sleep is really important," said Dr. Hendri."

Perhatian, Kata Dokter Umur 20 Bisa Hipertensi karena Suka Overthinking

According to Dr. Hendri, for those of you who like overthinking, try to get used to sleeping at the same time. Learn to accept and surrender, don't keep overthinking. It can mess up your blood pressure if you keep thinking about many things continuously.

"Sleep more, relax more, meaning we need to teach ourselves to get used to sleeping from this time to that time, even if we can't sleep, just close our eyes. Start learning to be sincere, start learning to surrender, start learning to accept whatever happens to us, accept whatever happens to us," message from Dr. Hendri."

Perhatian, Kata Dokter Umur 20 Bisa Hipertensi karena Suka Overthinking

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The thing is, if we overthink every night, it doesn't just make us anxious, but it also raises blood pressure because it's hard to sleep. Imagine if this happens every night, it could even become a dangerous complication, Dream Friend."

Perhatian, Kata Dokter Umur 20 Bisa Hipertensi karena Suka Overthinking

"If we don't accept it, we keep thinking about it, because we feel that we don't accept it, in the end, we are the ones who lose," said Dr. Hendri.

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