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Sering Pilah-Pilih Makanan? Kenali Dampak Buruk dan Cara Mengatasinya

Often Picking and Choosing Food? Know the Bad Effects and How to Overcome Them

The habit of sorting and selecting food is not only limited to children. Adolescents and adults can also experience the same thing, you know. The difference is, picky eating in adults can be a sign of mental disorders. Based on research conducted by researchers from Midwestern University, and the results have been published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (2021), it was found that 190 participants had a tendency towards picky eating behavior.

In addition, researchers have also found that picky eater teenagers tend to experience social anxiety disorder. They generally limit their intake of fiber, especially from vegetables, which is also associated with their very low quality of life. Therefore, it is important to know the fatal consequences that can arise if picky eating problems in adults are not immediately addressed. Here are the potential fatal consequences of picky eating, check it out!

Bisa Terkena ARFID translates to "Can be Affected by ARFID" in English.

If left untreated and not immediately addressed, this habit can lead to a eating disorder called ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder). Quoted from the National Eating Disorders Association, symptoms of ARFID can be observed from physical, behavioral, or psychological aspects, such as limiting or lacking appetite for certain types of food, fear of choking or vomiting while eating, and drastic weight loss.

In adults, ARFID can cause an imbalance or lack of nutritional intake (malnutrition) that should be obtained. As a result, this will lead to other serious conditions ranging from low blood pressure, depression, and anxiety disorders.

© 2023

Often Picky About Food? Recognize the Negative Effects and How to Overcome Them

This condition also affects social relationships. This is because sufferers have difficulty eating with others and take longer to finish their meals.

"How to Overcome Picky Eating in Adults"

The following are some ways that can be tried to overcome the problem of being picky with food in adults.

1. Self-Motivation for Change

Try to motivate yourself to immediately change this picky eater habit by remembering the long-term negative impacts that will continue to worsen both for personal health and relationships with others.


2. Start Little by Little

Start with something small, don't rush to force yourself to eat a full plate of food you don't like. Just start with a small portion first.


3. Combine Foods

Try to cook food that is not liked by combining it with food that you like. This makes the food look more convincing to eat.

Having a picky eating nature is indeed normal, but it would be better if you gradually eliminate that nature or habit. Besides being able to make oneself happy and free from any health risks, eliminating the picky eating habit will also make oneself more grateful by eating whatever is on the dining table or around the environment where you live. Author: Rizky Ramadhan.

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