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Enliven Shopee 11.11, This is the Story of Wadah Basboi and Ladang Lima in Unearthing the Potential of Indonesian Culture Through Art

It has become the duty of all Indonesian people to always preserve and conserve the local culture. This applies to all generations, including the younger generation. Especially because the young generation nowadays is known for various creativity and innovation. The good news is that many young people are now promoting the richness of domestic culture by combining various current and relevant trends. From there, various local products are created that can be used in various aspects of daily life. For example, traditional fabrics, a variety of local culinary menus, and even pop music with Indonesian literary lyrics.

The increasing love of the community for local products not only reflects a change in consumption patterns, but also serves as tangible evidence of a stronger commitment to preserving and appreciating Indonesia's cultural heritage. This is highlighted through the lively campaign of Shopee 11.11 Big Sale and the creation of a discussion space with the theme 'Weaving Cultural Wealth Through Art'.

Enliven Shopee 11.11, This is the Story of Wadah Basboi and Ladang Lima in Unearthing the Potential of Indonesian Culture Through Art

In this opportunity, Basboi (Public Figure & Rapper) and Annisa Pratiwi (CMO Ladang Lima) are also present to share success stories and journeys in exploring the potential of Nusantara culture through works that combine local cultural values with modern and creative ways.

Monica Vionna, Head of Marketing Growth Shopee Indonesia said, "Shopee always strives to be a platform that can introduce the richness of Indonesian culture and invite users to preserve it through products from local brands and MSMEs. By choosing to use local products, society is not only following trends, but also taking an active role in preserving and enriching cultural heritage."

"The community can participate in providing a positive impact on the growth of local businesses and the MSME sector directly, which opens opportunities for businesses to develop and continuously present innovative quality products. This event is expected to become motivation and inspiration for users to see the potential and support various local products that embody Indonesian culture throughout," he continued.

"Ladang Lima with its Healthy Products"

Not only known as a country with diverse local cultures and traditions that stretch from Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia also has abundant natural resources. As a tropical country, Indonesia is very rich in spices and tubers that can easily grow fertile even without fertilizers. This potential is the background for the establishment of Ladang Lima in 2013 as the first local brand to present healthy food made from cassava.

Initially, Annisa Pratiwi and her husband saw the potential that could be developed from their family's cassava garden. The community may already be familiar with cassava processed into fried snacks or chips, but it turns out there is still more potential. Flour is also widely used as a basic ingredient in various types of food, such as bread and various cakes in Indonesia, which actually come from wheat that does not grow in Indonesia.

Annisa Pratiwi, CMO Ladang Lima said, "After a year of research, we finally found that processed cassava can be utilized to make cassava-based wheat flour which is gluten-free and healthy to consume. By utilizing cassava to make flour, this is also in line with our dream to support food sustainability in Indonesia through the natural resources from our own farmers."

"Moreover, nowadays people are more aware and mindful in choosing healthier products, so we want to show that local raw materials can be an alternative for people who need a gluten-free diet and have the same quality as imported products. The positive response from the community has allowed us to continue to grow. Starting from one product variant, Tapioca Flour (Mocaf), now we can develop other healthy product innovations, ranging from gluten-free cookies, gluten-free noodles, cassava pasta, and various other premix flours," he said.

The raw material of cassava itself is obtained from local farmers in Pasuruan, Malang area, which is the largest cassava producer in Indonesia.

The raw material of cassava itself is obtained from local farmers in Pasuruan, Malang area, which is the largest cassava producer in Indonesia.

This garden is also located at the foot of Mount Bromo, close to the Ladang Lima product manufacturing factory, so the processed products always use fresh cassava.

Ladang Lima only processes freshly harvested cassava to maintain the quality of cassava flour and produce naturally white flour without the bleaching process. Not only that, in the production process, Ladang Lima also empowers women in the surrounding plantation area, and currently 70% of the workers in the factory and plantation are women. It can be said that all of Ladang Lima's product manufacturing is done by local women's hands.

The long journey that Annisa has been through with Ladang Lima until entering its 10th year has certainly not always been smooth. However, the perseverance and strategies that have been continuously implemented have brought extraordinary results for the growth of Ladang Lima's business, one of which is by joining Shopee in 2018.

Enliven Shopee 11.11, This is the Story of Wadah Basboi and Ladang Lima in Unearthing the Potential of Indonesian Culture Through Art

"Kami memulai bisnis ini dengan kondisi dimana masyarakat sudah terbiasa menggunakan jenis tepung yang ada di pasaran, dan awareness masyarakat akan makanan sehat juga belum setinggi saat ini. Melalui Shopee, Ladang Lima bisa menjual dan memperkenalkan produk-produk yang kami miliki kepada jangkauan pengguna yang luas yang Shopee miliki bahkan hingga ke area pelosok," ujarnya. "

"Shopee users also really like our products, especially gluten-free cookies, and have made Shopee the top selling channel for Ladang Lima cookies. Various Shopee programs and campaigns that we have participated in have helped us continue to grow and successfully promote Ladang Lima as the community's choice when looking for healthy alternative products. All of this has had a significant impact on Ladang Lima's sales and transaction growth on Shopee, where every year we always experience a doubling of sales on Shopee. Thank you Shopee!" added Annisa.

"Story of Basboi Through Artwork with a Modern Touch"

Starting from a life journey adorned with cultural diversity, Baskara Rizqullah, or often called Basboi, acknowledges being greatly inspired by Indonesia's richness every time he creates his works. Engaging in a career as a rapper, which is typically associated with foreign-language lyrics, Basboi remains determined to introduce the uniqueness of local culture and traditions through his own songs, which have become his signature style to stand out in the Indonesian Rap and Hip-hop music industry.

Basboi, Public Figure and Rapper, said "Growing up in various culturally rich cities, from Medan, Bandung, to Jakarta, has made me comfortable writing song lyrics in Indonesian. Despite the impression that Rap music is often associated with foreign languages, I believe that using the Indonesian language can bring our cultural richness to the global stage authentically."

"Through my various songs, I try to tell my life experiences by combining local cultural nuances in a Rap and Hip-hop song. Through these works, I want to reflect my true identity, even though surrounded by references and influences from the outside, but still proud to show my cultural identity as an Indonesian," he said. In addition to music, Basboi is also actively showcasing the uniqueness of Nusantara culture through his love for the local fashion world. For him, wearing local fashion suits is another way to express love for Indonesian culture."

"Every time I appear at various events and festivals, I strive to highlight an eccentric style of dressing by combining local fashion products with the latest trends. I do this hobby as a form of support for talented local fashion designers to continue weaving the richness of culture so that it remains relevant for every generation and era. "It cannot be denied that behind my success in developing cultural potential into a work of art, there is a significant role played by technology that helps me discover many references to the cultural wealth of Indonesia," he said."

"Just like Shopee, which has become my companion in searching for various quality local products to meet daily needs. Through the convenience and attractive offers presented by Shopee, I can easily complete my collection of clothes and accessories for performances, household items, and various other needs. What's interesting is that every time I miss the pleasure of Medan's culinary delights and local snacks from Bandung, it's very easy to find them on Shopee so I can reminisce about my teenage and college years. Because on Shopee, it's really complete for me to find local products, especially with its attractive promos, such as Free Shipping, so I can shop anywhere and anytime!" concluded Basboi."

Then, how do you weave cultural wealth into your daily life? The ongoing Shopee 11.11 Big Sale campaign until November 11, 2023, is the perfect time to take advantage of various best offers, exciting programs, and all the conveniences available to decorate your days with Indonesian culture and traditions through locally made products, including Free Shipping Rp0, Shopee Live Cheap Discount, and Big Flash Sale. Get more detailed information about the peak of the Shopee 11.11 Big Sale campaign at https:\/\/\/11-11. Don't forget to download the Shopee app for free on the App Store or Google Play Store and activate ShopeePay immediately.

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