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Hempas Insomnia, Coba 6 Pose yang Bikin Cepat Ngantuk<br>

"Defeat Insomnia, Try 6 Poses that Make You Sleepy Quickly"

Hempas Insomnia, Coba 6 Pose yang Bikin Cepat Ngantuk

Dream - To maintain the body's endurance to stay optimal, there are many ways that we can do. Starting from consuming healthy food, exercising regularly, to maintaining adequate and regular sleep patterns.

"Unfortunately, some people sometimes have difficulty maintaining a sleep pattern to stay on schedule, one of the reasons being insomnia or difficulty sleeping. This will certainly hinder efforts to maintain health. So, what should you do to overcome this problem? To fall asleep quickly, there are certain poses that you can try at home. What are they?"

<b>1.	Kaki di Atas Dinding</b>

1. Feet on the Wall

Lie facing the wall and place a pillow under the waist. Lift the legs until the heels and knees are parallel, then place both hands beside the body with the palms facing upwards. Hold this position for 2 minutes, then gently bend the knees and slide both legs to the sides.

2. Prone

2. Prone

Lie on a pillow in a prone position, then lock your fingers behind your back. Take a deep breath, bend your back and toes, and try to reach your heel with your hand. Slowly lower and exhale. Repeat 5-10 times.

<b>3.	Lebarkan Kedua Kaki</b>

3. Spread Both Legs

Sit with your legs wide open, place a pillow in front. Straighten your back, take a deep breath. Exhale slowly and stretch your arms forward, lie down on the pillow.

<b>4.	Satukan Dua Telapak Kaki</b>

4. Combine Two Feet

Lie down in a supine position on a pillow, bring both legs together and stretch the knees to the sides. Keep your hands relaxed, then extend them along the body with palms facing upwards. Take a breath and hold this position for 3 minutes.

5. Foot and Body Position in Opposite Directions

5. Foot and Body Position in Opposite Directions

Lie down in a supine position, bend your knees and bring them together. Slowly, tilt your legs to the side and hold with your hands. Stay in this position for 1 minute, then switch sides. Repeat 2 times for each side.

6. Supine

6. Supine

Lie comfortably with your back on the pillow. Spread your legs a little, then place your hands on the sides with your palms facing upwards. It is important to remember that the spine and head are in a straight line.

Take a deep breath 3 times, exhale through the nose, then take 4 regular breaths. At this point, you will feel drowsy and fall asleep soon. Report by Marha Adani Putri/ Source: Brightside.

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