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Hobby of Eating Spicy Food During Pregnancy, Is It Dangerous, Mom?

Hobby of Eating Spicy Food During Pregnancy, Is It Dangerous, Mom?

Hobi Makanan Pedas Saat Hamil, Bahaya Gak ya Bun?

Dream - Ngidam is often experienced by mothers. The desire to consume certain foods or drinks is so intense and difficult to resist. Foods that should not be consumed excessively are instead sought after and continuously consumed.

One type of food that expectant mothers crave the most during pregnancy is spicy food. In addition to having an enticing taste, spicy food also greatly stimulates the appetite for some pregnant women.

Hobi Makanan Pedas Saat Hamil, Bahaya Gak ya Bun?

However, do you know whether consuming spicy food during pregnancy is safe for the fetus? What are the consequences if spicy food is consumed too much? Let's find out the answer below!

Eating Spicy Food During Pregnancy, Is It Safe?

Pregnant mothers have heard the statement that consuming spicy food is unsafe during pregnancy? This is a myth, dear Dream friends.


Although it can trigger some uncomfortable side effects in pregnant women, such as indigestion or digestive disorders, spicy food will not have any impact on the unborn baby. However, it would be better for the mother to limit the consumption of spicy food during pregnancy.

Hobi Makanan Pedas Saat Hamil, Bahaya Gak ya Bun?

"There is no evidence to suggest that moderate consumption of spicy food poses a significant risk to a developing fetus. However, it is important to note that every pregnancy is unique, and individual sensitivity may vary."
According to Shandra Scruggs, RN, a delivery nurse from the United States.



Craving Spicy Food, What Does It Mean?

Have you ever had a craving for spicy food while pregnant, even though you previously didn't like spicy food? There's a reason for this, you know!


According to Shandra, the reason for this condition occurring in pregnant women is due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, nutritional needs, and the mother's mental state. In addition, research shows that 50 to 90% of pregnant women experience cravings at some point.

Hobi Makanan Pedas Saat Hamil, Bahaya Gak ya Bun?

Friend, Dream, don't need to worry if you crave spicy food during pregnancy. Craving spicy food doesn't have any specific connection to certain health problems. So, actually it's normal if you keep eating spicy food.

There are Benefits of Consuming Spicy Food During Pregnancy

Adding various spices, including spicy spices, to food during pregnancy has been proven to have a positive impact on both the mother and the baby. What are the impacts?

1. Introducing new tastes to babies

1. Introducing new tastes to babies

Did you know that the amniotic fluid in the womb is "seasoned" by the food that the mother consumes during pregnancy? Yup, this is a fact.

When it is allowed to eat, a baby tends to be able to accept food with the taste they recognize while in the womb. Therefore, if the mother consumes spicy food during pregnancy, this will enable the baby to also be able to accept that taste.

Hobi Makanan Pedas Saat Hamil, Bahaya Gak ya Bun?
<b>2. Meningkatkan kesehatan dan kekebalan tubuh</b>

2. Improve health and immune system.

Other benefits of consuming spicy food during pregnancy is the strengthening of the mother's immune system.

Capsaicin, a chemical compound found in all types of chili peppers, has anti-inflammatory properties. According to a study, this compound plays an important role in reducing bad cholesterol levels as well as the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Hobi Makanan Pedas Saat Hamil, Bahaya Gak ya Bun?

"Side Effects of Consuming Spicy Food"

"Although spicy food is considered safe for pregnancy, consuming it excessively will still cause some uncomfortable side effects for the mother. Here are the most common impacts experienced by mothers."

<b>1. Mulas dan refluks asam lambung</b>

1. Indigestion and acid reflux

During pregnancy, the mother's body organs will undergo shifts to make room for the growing uterus.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "Hormonal changes also relax the valve that separates the stomach and esophagus. This is what then causes an increased risk of heartburn during pregnancy, especially after consuming spicy food."

<b>2. Perut yang tidak nyaman</b>

2. Uncomfortable stomach

Other changes that occur during pregnancy are a slower or irregular digestive system. This condition will certainly worsen if consuming spicy food. In addition to digestive disorders, spicy food can also trigger diarrhea and bloating.

3. Nausea in the morning.

3. Nausea in the morning.

Consuming spicy food during pregnancy can worsen nausea symptoms, you know! In fact, nausea will be even more uncomfortable if it is caused by spicy food. Therefore, limit the intake of spicy food during pregnancy, okay.

"Can Stimulate Labor, Is it True?"

According to Aneesh Chawla, MD, MS, an obstetrician in Springfield, consuming spicy food, especially in large quantities, can cause digestive irritation that results in stomach cramps similar to contractions. However, these contractions cannot trigger labor.


Many people say that consuming spicy food can trigger the labor process, there is no strong evidence supporting this statement.

Hobi Makanan Pedas Saat Hamil, Bahaya Gak ya Bun?

"For the health of the mother and baby, it is wiser to choose wisely in selecting food to be consumed during pregnancy, yes. Dream friends must remain selective in choosing the intake consumed every day. Report by Marha Adani Putri / Source: Parents."

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