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Note, Here's How to Naturally Make Bright Teeth

Note, Here's How to Naturally Make Bright Teeth

Dream - Besides body shape, there are other things that can make someone feel less confident, one of which is yellow or dull teeth. White teeth will make people more confident to smile and laugh openly. Meanwhile, yellow or dull teeth can make someone rarely smile or laugh.

Note, This is How to Naturally Brighten Teeth

White teeth also give the impression of clean, healthy, and well-maintained teeth, making someone not only more beautiful but also attractive.

Note, This is How to Naturally Brighten Teeth

Many people are willing to spend money just to brighten their teeth. The whiter the teeth, the more expensive the cost. However, having white teeth tends to be more fragile compared to yellowish teeth. If you still want to have whiter or brighter teeth, do it naturally like this.

Note, This is How to Naturally Brighten Teeth

1. Brush Teeth with Salt

Every toothpaste contains salt and has antiseptic properties that can help maintain dental and oral hygiene. Salt is also abrasive and can help remove stains on teeth, making them appear brighter.

1. Gosok Gigi dengan Garam<br>

Use sea salt or fine table salt to do this so as not to erode tooth enamel. Wet the toothbrush, then apply a small amount of salt. Next, gently brush your teeth for 1-2 minutes, then thoroughly rinse with water. Make sure you do not brush your teeth with excessive pressure.

2. Apply Coconut Oil to the Teeth

Aside from salt, pure coconut oil can also help make teeth brighter. The method is quite simple. Apply one teaspoon of coconut oil on the surface of the teeth for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water. This method not only helps remove dental plaque but also has antimicrobial properties that protect against other problems, such as cavities.


3. Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a natural mouthwash to whiten teeth. Dissolve the apple cider vinegar with water, then rinse for 30 seconds and rinse with water.

3. Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar can help remove stains on the surface of teeth. In addition, apple cider vinegar also has antibacterial properties that can prevent tooth decay. Be careful when using this ingredient to avoid damaging tooth enamel and not using it as a mouthwash every day."

4. Brush Teeth with Charcoal

Charcoal or black charcoal mixed with water can become a natural teeth whitening paste, you know. Brush your teeth with this paste to remove stains and brighten your teeth. Do not use this paste too often, as charcoal has abrasive properties that can damage tooth enamel.


5. Brush your teeth with Baking Soda.

"Before using baking soda, make the paste first by mixing a little water. Apply the mixture to the teeth and gently brush for 1-2 minutes before rinsing with clean water."

5. Brush your teeth with Baking Soda.

Like the previous material, baking soda is abrasive and alkaline. You can use it to remove stains on your teeth and maintain oral pH. By trying this natural method several times a month, your teeth can naturally become brighter without having to spend a large amount of money. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty / Source: Times of India

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