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5 Mandatory Items to Transform Home-Office, Creating a Comfortable and Inspiring Atmosphere!

5 Mandatory Items to Transform Home-Office, Creating a Comfortable and Inspiring Atmosphere!

In the digital era, working from home has become commonplace. Especially for young millennials, the trend of working from home as a freelancer or simply WFH has become an attractive option that is worth considering. In line with that, the term home office has become increasingly popular. Many home workers have transformed their home decor to enhance their role as a personal office. Usually, one room is decorated to serve as a workspace.

If you are interested in decorating your home into a home office style, there are essential items that need to be purchased. Of course, it is expected that the following items can create a comfortable and inspiring workspace, in order to enhance productivity.

© 2023

Tanaman Hias Indoor

"Indoor Ornamental Plants"

Adding ornamental plants is a good idea to provide warmth and comfort in the workspace. You can choose minimalist indoor plants such as Cactus, Mother-in-Law's Tongue, Zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ), or Aglaonema Silver Queen with its greenish leaves. Indoor plants can also improve air quality by filtering toxins and releasing oxygen. Inhaling cleaner air can help you stay focused and feel better while working, reducing boredom and lethargy.

"Desk Organizer"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Desk organizer is a drawer with multiple compartments to arrange stationary, making the work desk appear neat. You can choose a desk organizer with a stylish design, a color that matches the room atmosphere, and capable of accommodating various types of items such as stationary, scissors, notepaper, and so on."

© 2023


"Wall Decoration"

To add a touch of office ambiance, you can hang several wall decorations such as abstract paintings or motivational quote prints. Wall art that contains inspirational quotes, especially from your favorite figures, can serve as a reminder of your goals and focus in work.

© 2023


"Table Lamp"

Sure, this one item should not be forgotten. The table lamp provides focused lighting, so it is very important for activities such as reading, writing, or working in front of a computer. Proper lighting can reduce eye strain and increase productivity. In addition, the flexibility of a portable and adjustable desk lamp is also very useful. You will be greatly helped because the light of this lamp can be directed to the important parts.

Karpet yang Nyaman

"Comfortable Carpet"

Carpet is the last item that is not less important. Although you work more at a desk with a glowing laptop screen, you need to occasionally change positions by sitting on a comfortable carpet. Carpets also make home offices more attractive and comfortable, especially if the floor surface of the workspace is hard, such as hardwood or tiles. Carpets can help absorb sound, reduce echoes, and make the workspace quieter. This is very helpful if you are making video calls or need to concentrate.

Nah, those are the mandatory items to decorate your house into a home office. Always prioritize comfort and cleanliness in your workspace so that you can remain focused and productive, okay. Happy decorating!

Author: Farhati Haqiya Silmi

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