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The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Lazy People Gather! Here are 5 Job Recommendations that Can Work From Home"

After the Covid-19 pandemic, a new culture in the working world emerged due to the presence of Work From Home (WFH). As time goes by, many companies have implemented hybrid and remote systems. In addition to reducing costs, WFH can also provide you with the freedom to manage your work schedule. Well, for those who enjoy comfort and flexibility in working, WFH becomes an attractive choice. With that, you can work more peacefully because you are free from the hustle and bustle of traffic and busy office atmosphere.

"Unfortunately, not all jobs can be done with WFH. So, here are some job options that can be done remotely, definitely suitable for lazy people!"

© 2023

1. Graphic Designer

1. Graphic Designer

Graphic designers have the task of creating visual elements, graphics, and illustrations for various purposes. Usually, they do this for advertising production, marketing materials, and social media visualization. Designers generally use design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to produce their work. Therefore, they can work from anywhere as long as they have access to competent software and computer tools.

2. Social Media Specialist

2. Social Media Specialist

A social media specialist is responsible for managing social media content. In addition, they are also required to interact with the audience and measure the performance of online campaigns. With the help of social media management and analysis software, it is very possible for them to work from home.

© 2023

3. Search Engine Optimization

3. Search Engine Optimization

Improving website rankings on search engines is the expertise of an SEO. They have to conduct keyword research, optimize website pages, and analyze the results. These tasks can be done while working from home (WFH), as website optimization and analysis can be easily accessed online.

© 2023

4. Copywriter/Content Writer

4. Copywriter/Content Writer

Copywriters and content writers have similar types of work, which is writing. Usually, they are required to write persuasive text for various purposes, such as advertisements, blogs, articles, and marketing materials. With sufficient internet access and software, they can easily work from home. In addition, it turns out that many of them are not tied to a company but instead work as freelancers.

5. Video Editor

5. Video Editor

Responsible for editing videos for various projects is the job of a video editor. If they have capable video editing software, it is sufficient for them to work remotely. As long as the videos produced are of high quality and meet client expectations.

© 2023


That is some of the most flexible job options to do remotely. It can be seen that the world is increasingly developing and allowing everyone to combine work with personal life, like WFH. With technology as the main tool, jobs that used to only be done in the office can now be easily accessed from home. So, if you want a flexible job, try to delve into these five jobs. Author: Nihel Rashiqa Rinaldo.

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